Can't get any of my code to execute!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:36
Jan 20, 2010
I'm simply trying to make a message box display when a user clicks on a button.

I go to the "On Click" section in the properties sheet.
I select Code Builder

I simply put msgbox("This is a test")

I save it

I open the form, I click the botton and NOTHING happens
What am I missing here? :confused::confused::confused::confused:
If you are in Access 2007 then you need to set the location of the database to be a trusted location. See here for more about that.
If your database be Access-2007 - You may locate a bar below the Ribbon showing the message -

"certain content in the database has been disabled" and a button besides it giving you option to allow it. I hope it should do if your database location/path has not been declared 'trusted location' which you can set in "Access Options". Visit this link to know how to do it -
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it should be either:
myMsgBox = msgbox("This is a test")

msgbox "This is a test"

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