Type Mismatch


here's the stripped down version. the form that opens is the one that i'm having the issue with


Okay, here you go. I think you were trying to get too fancy with it. Check out my code in the button's event to see what I did.


I've been working on this for hours and you did it in what, ten minutes. I don't whether to be elated or angry (just kidding).

I really appreciate your patience. It would have been easier to upload the DB initially, but then I wouldn't have been able to try and figure it out.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

It works perfectly.
Yes, sometimes learning can take some frustration as well. So, I hope the rest of your project goes well and you get frustrated a lot (sort of kidding). What I mean by that is that I hop you learn a lot in the process. :)
I've been working on this for hours and you did it in what, ten minutes.
That's what I meant about form's not being nightmares. It is just that way when you don't know quite how to do what you envision. But eventually, those things pass and you get to know how to do various things quickly and efficiently. I'm still working (sometimes) on the efficiency part. I've been doing this for many, many years so I do have a bit of an advantage there. But I learn stuff all the time I didn't know how to do. The forum is great for that. In fact, I will subscribe to posts for answers I want to know when I see a question that I would like to know the answer to as well. It makes it very nice.

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