Export to Excel not working...


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Today, 10:19
Jun 22, 2005

Well I do thank you all for the help you've given me on this project, because I was definitely a little behind on my Access skills. I've come across a minor glitch that appears to be hindering the overall project at its completion.

I am developing in and using Access 2003. I've compiled to an MDE, and use a front end application, that accesses a back end mdb database. Everything works fine. I've used the startup parameters to disable default menus and default popup menus, as well as the start form. However, I did want to keep a majority of the standard options that exist on the Report's Pop up menu. The Zoom, Multipage/single page, and the Export function which allows exportation to Excel.

This all works wonderfully on my home system, the Access 2003 where I developed it.

However, I've installed it onto a system where they use Access 2007, and thus far everything has worked just fine, no issues or problems, all the code and form designs work as they should. Yet today, we tested opening a report in preview mode, and clicking on the "Export" entry in the report popup menu, and got an error message saying: "This feature has not been installed into MyDatabase"

So, i need to know where to go to make sure that the export to Excel works from the report popup menu on the Access 2007 machine. Is it an install for office (a feature that needs to be added) or do i need to add something to the code itself to make it process the export.

Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner
They need to have Office 2007 SP2 installed. If not, the export to Excel for reports was originally removed in the original release of 2007 and was put back in SP2.

Here's the thing. I've designed the database as a 2002-2003 compliant mdb (not 2000). I then designed the front end in a separate 2002-2003 mdb that I've compiled into an MDE which uses link tables to access the mdb database.
I think setup my own custom popup menus which for the report's contain direct copies of the menu items from the default report popup menu, but minusing the "Design Mode" option. I have disabled the default menus, and simply run the application when ever i need to. As an MDB or MDE on my home system, using Access 2003, I can open a report, right click, and select Export, which then allows me to Export to an Excel file.
I bring the same MDE file here to my client's computer, running Office 2007. I open the MDE, go to a form, and select to view a report. The Report preview opens up, and I select "Export..."

The message i get is:
You tried to perform an operation involving a function or feature that was not installed in this version of Asset Management.

From what you've said, I needed to install SP2 for Office 2007. However, I downloaded the Office Sp2 FullFile (about 292 MB) and when i tried to run it, it claims that this update has already been applied.

Do I need to alter how the Export functionality is executed from my appliaction, or do I need to go into Office setup to alter something?

Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

On my system at home where I developed it
They need to have Office 2007 SP2 installed. If not, the export to Excel for reports was originally removed in the original release of 2007 and was put back in SP2.

Have you tested this yourself or heard this from someone who has successfully been able to export reports into Excel from Access 2007? I tried it on four different computers that all have SP2 with no success. If you've done it, maybe you know of some other step that I'm missing?

Lastly, do you know if Access 2010 will have this problem when released?

Thank you

Never mind I posted about PDF's in this response.

Yes, I have exported to Excel from a report in SP2.
Waitasec...are you saying that you need the PDF add in for the Excel export to work even if you have SP2??

No, I got sidetracked into thinking something else.

Here's how I do it:






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No, I got sidetracked into thinking something else.

Drats...I was hoping it would be a matter of missing some installation.

Sure looks like it works on your example! I wonder why I can't get it to work. I'll post screen shots of the errors later.

Thank you

Negative on any fix so far.

You have Access 2007. {u]I Don't.[/u]

I have developed a professional Application with Access 2003 and my client NEEDS to be able to export the reports into an excel spread sheet. I cannot utilize anything 2007 related because I am developing on 2003. Why oh why did Microsoft screw this up? Because now I am not able to deliver what I promised without having to do some messed up back end code work to take the same data from the report and somehow OLE automate Excel so he can have that export.

In my MDE there Are:
NO Menus
NO Toolbar
NO Ribbon bar (or whatever that worthless Macintosh wannabe thing is called)

There are my forms with listboxes, textboxes, comboboxes, checkboxes, and buttons. The buttons link to other forms and specific reports that he wanted in the application. The reports are designed and they load as they should and will print. In Access 2003 I can simply Right+Click and select Export. 2007 says that "My Database" doesn't have this feature installed. Bull. Access 2007 is messed up, not my application because my application WORKS on 2003. How do i get my already compiled MDE to export via the "Report Preview, Right+Click, Export". I can have no other option right now save several more hours of development, which I'd rather not spend because it won't be as smooth and perfect as the original export process was.

Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

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