Iran: A Nuclear Power?

TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ordered his country's atomic agency on Sunday to begin enriching uranium to a higher level, a move that's likely to deepen international suspicion over the country's intentions for its nuclear program.

All that and rockets too.
It looks like my caution and predictions are coming to fruition.

The time is coming for explosive charges to rain from the skies, over the nuclear weapons facilities in Iran.

Support for this activity, are blossoming all over the world, and in particular in the Middle East.

Peace lovers will no doubt be line up to protest but the general feeling now is that a surgical strike would possibly topple the current regime, ushering in a new era of prosperity for the Iranian people
It looks like my caution and predictions are coming to fruition.

The time is coming for explosive charges to rain from the skies, over the nuclear weapons facilities in Iran.

Support for this activity, are blossoming all over the world, and in particular in the Middle East.

Peace lovers will no doubt be line up to protest but the general feeling now is that a surgical strike would possibly topple the current regime, ushering in a new era of prosperity for the Iranian people

What a lot of shit. Bombing Iran would be more likely to galvanise the resolve of islamic terrorists and legitimise their greivances.

Support for this is likely only blossoming in your head.
What a lot of shit. Bombing Iran would be more likely to galvanise the resolve of islamic terrorists and legitimise their greivances.

Support for this is likely only blossoming in your head.
Sadly, I can also see support coming from the same people who think - to use the word in its loosest possible sense - that the West should 'nuke' North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and anyone else who disagrees with it.

Clearly not representative of all or even many Americans, this one still surprised me with some of the comments.
Maybe they are enriching some of the depleated uranium that has been used as munitions against the middle east in recent 'conflicts' over weapons of mass destruction.
Sadly, I can also see support coming from the same people who think - to use the word in its loosest possible sense - that the West should 'nuke' North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and anyone else who disagrees with it.

Clearly not representative of all or even many Americans, this one still surprised me with some of the comments.

I really don't see it at the moment.

Ahmadinejad is in to much trouble at home currently, with the green movement, Russia is less supportive of late and has cancelled a weapons deal. This combined with growing unemployment, recession, protests, criticism of him in the media etc. is making life hard for Ahmadinejad.

While there isn't any end in sight for the nuclear issue things would appear to be going in the right direction for the west and that is likely to at the very least delay any war.
I really don't see it at the moment.

Ahmadinejad is in to much trouble at home currently, with the green movement, Russia is less supportive of late and has cancelled a weapons deal. This combined with growing unemployment, recession, protests, criticism of him in the media etc. is making life hard for Ahmadinejad.

While there isn't any end in sight for the nuclear issue things would appear to be going in the right direction for the west and that is likely to at the very least delay any war.
I didn't say it was going to happen, just that I could see a certain type of person supporting the idea.
What a lot of shit. Bombing Iran would be more likely to galvanise the resolve of islamic terrorists and legitimise their greivances.

Support for this is likely only blossoming in your head.

I didn't say I agree with it, but you are much further away from reality than you suppose.

Support for the mission to destroy nuclear facilities is much higher than is being reported.

And many believe it will end the Iranian Government.
Western Nation’s Security and Intelligence agencies thwarted 11,000 terrorist attacts last year.

Only a fool believes that terrorism can be solved by being passive.

Death and the destruction of their habitat, finances, and training grounds, will result in the end of the Middle Eastern problem. They have been fighting for millennia, why end now?

The only answer is to make them pay too high a price for efforts outside of their own territory.
Western Nation’s Security and Intelligence agencies thwarted 11,000 terrorist attacts last year.

Only a fool believes that terrorism can be solved by being passive.

Death and the destruction of their habitat, finances, and training grounds, will result in the end of the Middle Eastern problem. They have been fighting for millennia, why end now?

The only answer is to make them pay too high a price for efforts outside of their own territory.
What evidence do you have that Iran had anything to do with any of these terrorist activities?:rolleyes:
Western Nation’s Security and Intelligence agencies thwarted 11,000 terrorist attacts last year.

Only a fool believes that terrorism can be solved by being passive.

Death and the destruction of their habitat, finances, and training grounds, will result in the end of the Middle Eastern problem. They have been fighting for millennia, why end now?

The only answer is to make them pay too high a price for efforts outside of their own territory.

Good point, raining death and destruction on the Iraquis solved the terrorist issue there. Oh wait a minute it didn't do anything of the sort and instead turned the place into a recruiting and training ground for terrorists.

Now your solution is to do the same in Iran?
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What evidence do you have that Iran had anything to do with any of these terrorist activities?:rolleyes:

Rich, if you are even remotely serious about that kindergarten response, just look up Hezbollah.

Good point, raining death and destruction on the Iraquis solved the terrorist issue there. Oh wait a minute it didn't do anything of the sort and instead turned the place into a recruiting and training ground for terrorists.
Now your solution is to do the same in Iran?

Either you are determined to have a debate, or you have not been following what I have written for years.

I have always maintained that Iraq was a fool’s errand.

However, from a strategic point of view it could be argued that it was necessary to establish a military presence in the heart of the Bad Lands. The military mission can only be debated from a military point of view.

I think most people have a hard time generating any political, economic, or sociological arguments in support of the war in Iraq. Go back over the years and read my post, or not.

The situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran are all different.

Afghanistan requires rebuilding, so the Afghan people can join the 21st century, and now that it is known to contain large amounts of wealth, they need a stable government, out of the control of the Taliban. They will desire relations with Western (or Eastern) companies and governments, to move forward in creating economy from the raw materials located under their ground.

Pakistan continues to play a strange game of fencemanship, balancing the forces of Islam, corruption, and appeasement. Theirs is a dangerous position.

Iran, once the most educated society in the Middle East; a country in the control of a severely totalitarianist government. There is no question that they must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Any argument that says, “Who are we to say who can and who can’t” is irrelevant. Nuclear weapons is a club, if the members don’t want you in, then your only options is to break in, sometimes that works, sometimes not. The powers in the Middle East are not going to let that happen.

A nuclear Iran will destabilize the region. Not so much for the US, or even Great Britain, but for the Saudis, the Egyptians, and most certainly for Israel. It will not be allowed to happen. Look at Kim Jong-Il he is facing the destruction of his government and his old ally is too busy making money with his old adversaries, to bad for him.

What is called for is to tell them exactly when and how we are going to destroy the facilities, so they can evacuate the personnel and try to mount a failure of an attempt at defending the sites. When they are gone, this is moot.
Rich, if you are even remotely serious about that kindergarten response, just look up Hezbollah.

The EU and the UK do not see Hezbollah as merely a terrorist organisation. The fact that the US and Israel do - may well be more of the problem than the solution.
The EU and the UK do not see Hezbollah as merely a terrorist organisation. The fact that the US and Israel do - may well be more of the problem than the solution.

You are correct, there is more there than merely terrorism. But severl hundred millions flow from them, into the hands of terrorist organizers, every year.
You are correct, there is more there than merely terrorism. But severl hundred millions flow from them, into the hands of terrorist organizers, every year.

lol, source for this info please. I would love to know how an organisation in a country with a population of less than 5 million can result in hundreds of millions of people flowing in to the hands of terrorist organisations. :rolleyes:
lol, source for this info please. I would love to know how an organisation in a country with a population of less than 5 million can result in hundreds of millions of people flowing in to the hands of terrorist organisations. :rolleyes:

Supposedly money I think?
lol, source for this info please. I would love to know how an organisation in a country with a population of less than 5 million can result in hundreds of millions of people flowing in to the hands of terrorist organisations. :rolleyes:

Sorry, hundreds of millions of dollars.
By the way, the current population (2008) of Iran is 71,956,322

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