This will oust the corruption of transgender (2 Viewers)

One can be suspicious of someone without being transphobic. Unusual public behavior warrants attention regardless of whether it is some type of cross-dressing or furry costuming or exposing lots of skin. I, too, would be a bit suspicious.
Unusual public behavior warrants attention regardless

So this leads us to the next question. What would be the main, obvious thing they have to gain from trying to make it less "unusual" - by constantly doing things like public drag shows, library drag story hour, etc? After enough years of that, it's no longer unusual, and no longer, (purportedly) warrants attention...
19 minutes in to this video Sall Grover explains very well what I've been trying to explain. Real men do not go into women's spaces, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Real men understand how uncomfortable this would make your wife, your daughter, your sister feel....

Notice how these trans men give themselves names "Roxan Tickle" Pippi Longstocking" which are aimed at being attractive to kids...

I mean why would you add "tickle" to your Trans name?

Maybe if you were into bondage or something like that, but if you are placing yourself in an area where you've got access to children, then I've got to doubt your motives for such names "Mr tickle"

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I finally got to watch the previous video. Sall makes a good point and that is that real men respect women's boundaries. It is only perverts or misogynists who won't. My husband would rather have shot himself then to have gone into a "woman's" space
Today, Instagram is On Fire with this.


A leaked video has surfaced showing Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip, co-owner of Miss Universe, discussing her views on the inclusion of trans women in the pageant during a board meeting last November. The video, provided to *Vox* by former Miss Universe CEO Rodrigo Goytortua Ortega, captures Jakrajutatip stating that while trans women, married women, and divorced women can compete in the pageant, they "cannot win." She referred to this policy as a "communication strategy" aimed at promoting social inclusion.

Jakrajutatip, who is herself transgender, further asserted that "women from nontraditional backgrounds" are essentially excluded from winning the Miss Universe title.

The Miss Universe organization has seen its first transgender contestant, Miss Spain Ángela Ponce, in 2018. The 2023 lineup included Miss Guatemala Michelle Cohn and Miss Camila Avella, the first married contestants, as well as Miss Nepal Jane Dipika Garrett, the first plus-size contestant. The beauty pageant also lifted its age limit, allowing individuals like Alejandra Rodriguez, a journalist and attorney, to compete for Miss Argentina at the age of 60.
Today, Instagram is On Fire with this.

View attachment 114367

A leaked video has surfaced showing Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip, co-owner of Miss Universe, discussing her views on the inclusion of trans women in the pageant during a board meeting last November. The video, provided to *Vox* by former Miss Universe CEO Rodrigo Goytortua Ortega, captures Jakrajutatip stating that while trans women, married women, and divorced women can compete in the pageant, they "cannot win." She referred to this policy as a "communication strategy" aimed at promoting social inclusion.

Jakrajutatip, who is herself transgender, further asserted that "women from nontraditional backgrounds" are essentially excluded from winning the Miss Universe title.

The Miss Universe organization has seen its first transgender contestant, Miss Spain Ángela Ponce, in 2018. The 2023 lineup included Miss Guatemala Michelle Cohn and Miss Camila Avella, the first married contestants, as well as Miss Nepal Jane Dipika Garrett, the first plus-size contestant. The beauty pageant also lifted its age limit, allowing individuals like Alejandra Rodriguez, a journalist and attorney, to compete for Miss Argentina at the age of 60.
And what do you think about all that?
And what do you think about all that?
I think gender is assigned at birth and wish western cultures could stopped spreading this nonesense in ours.
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I think gender is assigned at birth and wish western cultures could stopped spreading this nonesense in ours.

With all due respect, KitaYama, I must point out that when we say that GENDER is assigned at birth (as opposed to the biological sex), we may be in error. It is NOT nonsense and I will stand up for my friends who happened to have been incorrectly evaluated. As well as for my step-daughter, who is gay and has male behavior patterns.

Gender preference can become obfuscated by a biological fact. People who appear to have genitalia of a particular gender can still have the brain structure of the other gender. Do this search: brain scan + homosexual.

In the 1990s, some British medical researchers were working with the (then relatively new) Positron Emission Tomography scanner. They discovered a gender correlation in brain structures, some of which differ between male and female. When you increase the sample size from a handful of people to dozens of people, you run into cases where a person has physical sexual characteristics that led them to be assigned one way at birth, but their brain structures suggest they should be assigned the other way. And the brain ALWAYS wins when it comes to preferences. In other words, the researchers found that gay people are often that way because of a condition of birth in which their brain and body are in disagreement. The problem comes about because frequently the situation with incorrect brain structures doesn't become obvious until puberty - considerably later than "at birth."

Some of the headlines you might see on this topic actually represent sensationalist reporting from news rags of the kind my cousin calls "Scandal Sheets". These tabloid papers look for headlines that are ambiguous enough to let them say some scandalous things about someone without regard to strict truth. So of course they pick a cause celebre and publish inflammatory articles just to get ratings. Some of them talk with scorn about about gender fluidity. That IS outrageous because based on what my dozens of gay friends have always told me, back-and-forth declarations are only heard from someone who is still confused over his or her sexuality. Once they know who they are, there is no more flip-flopping. There are those people who advertise ambiguous preferences, but see how many are celebrities trying to remain in the spotlight.
@The_Doc_Man I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh. I didn't mean it that way. I corrected my post above and deleted the nonsense word.

What I meant was, I really don't mind if anyone feel different with what he is. You feel different with your gender? It's fine. It's your life and it's your choice. Do whatever you like. Dress whatever you like. We have had transgenders since Roman Empire. It's fine. It's really OK.
Be happy. Be yourself.

But don't expect me to allow you enter the bathroom my daughter uses. Don't expect me to close my eyes and pretend I don't care you use the same locker room. Don't expect me accept you to compete in female sports. You know why? Because no matter what the scientific researches show, you are not a 100% female.
Governments are wasting billions of dollars of our tax. Instead of insisting to use lady's room, start asking them for adding trans' room. Everybody (me included) will support you. Why you want to push yourself as a female athlete? The same science you're talking about, has proved that no matter how many hormones you inject into your body, still a male's (that feels being a female) body is stronger than any female.
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But don't expect me to allow you enter the bathroom my daughter uses.
Gosh, your daughter has her own bathroom? Isn't it strange how different people treat their daughters.

Anyway, in Europe - especially in France, public toilets are communal unisex- especially in motorway service areas. You have women walking past men using urinals and you have men and women together at sinks and mirrors adjusting themselves, or women breastfeeding and nobody bats an eyelid. No-one cares if you're a poof or a lezzie or whatever.
Gosh, your daughter has her own bathroom?
Don't be so strict on somebody who English is not his first language. You should have guessed I meant a public bathroom that she uses at school or a gym or ...

Anyway, in Europe - especially in France, public toilets are communal unisex-....You have women walking past men using urinals and you have men and women together at sinks and mirrors adjusting themselves, or women breastfeeding and nobody bats an eyelid
Thanks God we're not yet that developed to have something like that.
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Actually, to some degree I'm with you. All this talk of using "the other side's bathroom" should require that if you want to do that, you must have already made the surgical transition. Otherwise you are not committed. No surgery? That's a choice, but choices DO carry consequences.

And I'll also admit that certain situations are inherently unfair - but probably also unfixable. Like sporting events with a transitioned person competing against non-transitioned persons. Either way, there is a sense of unfairness and because it involves hormones infusing you through your childhood, you will grow according to the superficial biology of your birth. But when things start to develop, that is when you are pretty sure to find out your real preferences.
Thanks God we're not yet that developed to have something like that.
Why? What's wrong with it? Some public places in the UK or Europe have communal changing rooms, it's not a problem. I went to a public spa in the UK and the communal changing rooms were quite normal.

When you say public bathroom do you mean public toilets? Most people these days have a bath in their home.
In fact, our local council built some communal unisex public toilets in the town centre for people to use for free. This was done to try to stop drunk people (male and female) urinating etc in the streets on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights after a night clubbing and drinking.
I think gender is assigned at birth and wish western cultures could stopped spreading this nonesense in ours.
I agree, and one can clearly see that it is more of a tiktok trend than it is biology or brain chemicals.

It's obvious that many kids are getting into transgenderism just because it is cool and they are confused - which is a life wrecking thing for them and the people around them who they demand fealty from.

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