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  1. R

    Report Parameters

    I am building a form with the list of report and parameters, so user can select it to run a report. Can anyone provide a good sample of form with difference date parameters such last month, current quality and year button. So user just click it, then the beginning date and ending field will be...
  2. R

    #Div/0! error

    I have a query with code below: SELECT [Daily Sale Details Extended].[Sold Date], [Daily Sale Details Extended].[Selling Tool] AS Tool, Products.[Product Name] AS Product, [Daily Sale Details Extended].Quantity AS QTY, [Daily Sale Details Extended].[Extend Price] AS Price, [Daily Sale Details...
  3. R

    Cross tab query

    It works now. Thank you so much!!!!
  4. R

    Cross tab query

    Just tried, still shows the blank field instead of 0. Any more suggestion?
  5. R

    Cross tab query

    I have a cross tab query with the codes below: TRANSFORM Sum(OrdersDetail.Quantity) AS SumOfQuantity SELECT OrdersDetail.[Product Name] FROM OrdersDetail GROUP BY OrdersDetail.[Product Name] PIVOT OrdersDetail.Sold; Since some product never been sold, that's why it shows blank. What codes need...
  6. R

    Requery Field on the form

    It's placed in an AfterUpdate even of Price.
  7. R

    Requery Field on the form

    Sorry for the fuzzy post. Here is simplest way that I can explain my problem. Filed: [Transaction Fee] = ([Price]+[Shipping])*.15. Once I enter the price, the transaction fee will auto cal since the default value for Shipping is 0. However, when I changed the shipping from 0 to $15, the...
  8. R

    Requery Field on the form

    I have a drop down field " Product" on the form. Once a product is selected, the fee will be auto populated based on the calculation that I created on the query. Now if the shipping fee is not free, the calculation will be the different. Therefore, I have created another calculation. And put...
  9. R

    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO

    Sorry, maybe I didn't provide the clear info. The source field Order_ID on the form is the autonumber assigned itself. The target field Order_ID on the table is not autonumber field. It's just number field. Therefore, I still don't understand why I can insert the source field value to...
  10. R

    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO

    I know, but I want to insert the Order_ID value to the same Order_ID field on another table.
  11. R

    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO

    Sorry, still no clear. I have attached the database, hope you can help to modify the codes... Thanks.
  12. R

    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO

    The [Order ID] is the primary key of table A, which is the data set of the form. If I don't assigned, how can I insert it to [Order ID] on another table, which is [Inventory Transactions]?
  13. R

    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO

    Using the following codes to insert fields into another table. The codes works fine for all fields on the form, except for [Order ID], which is the autoNumber. CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Inventory Transactions] ([Product ID], [Order ID])" _ & "VALUES (' " & Me.Product_ID & "', '" &...
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