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  1. M

    Combine and Count

    here's what it shows.. blank OK pop out window alternating with the previous error that I have.
  2. M

    Combine and Count

    I didn't changed anything in the module I just copied and pasted it. unfortunately in don't know what is immediate window. I know it where you can test your code but I totally have no idea on this.
  3. M

    Combine and Count

    Thanks vbaInet.. after fixing that, here's the new error.. really appreciate your help...
  4. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet, here's the screenshot of the error..
  5. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet.. here's the error I have now. and here's the SQL code result after moving away from the new column where i pasted your code. SELECT origTable.DATE, origTable.FIELD1, origTable.FIELD2, origTable.COUNT, ConcatRelated("FIELD2","origTable","[DATE] = " & [DATE] & " AND [FIELD1] = '" &...
  6. M

    Combine and Count

    Sorry.. I mean the exact SQL query in my new query. Here's what I did. In my new query, i called origTable then the contents of my code is: SELECT origTABLE, ConcatRelated("FIELD2","origTABLE","[DATE] = " & [DATE] & " AND [FIELD1] = '" & [FIELD1] & "'") FROM [origTABLE]; When I run the...
  7. M

    Combine and Count

    Can't seem to make it work. Would you mind sending me the exact code for the new query that I'm creating based on the qryTotal and origTable that I have? TIA!
  8. M

    Combine and Count

    Thanks vbaInet! will try it.. let you know..
  9. M

    Combine and Count

    Yup i've created already the module and pasted the contents in your first post. I'm just wondering where does the contents of Field2 will come from since my qryTotal will only contain Date, Field1 and Counts? this is what i have right now in my DB. qryTotal DATE | FIELD1 | TOTALCOUNTS...
  10. M

    Combine and Count

    So in my new query I will need to create the module stated in your first post then I will have the total query + the original table that I have showing all the fields?
  11. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet, I'm creating a new query to show the Field2 now, How do I get the Field2 now? I called the total query which has date, Field1, and counts columns. Do I have to call again the original query which has all the fields? sorry for these dumb questions...
  12. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet, ok thanks a lot! I will try it and hopefully I will get the correct results. Thanks for your help :)
  13. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet, I've done that already. Now, I need to insert Field2 in a new column of the total query. Will this be a new query calling the total query? Thanks again!
  14. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi vbaInet, thanks for taking time to reply in my question. I'm still a newbie in access and I'll try to check on your suggestion. If i had to create a totals query grouped by Date and Field1, I will have to remove Field2 in this query right? Thanks!
  15. M

    Combine and Count

    Hi I need to combine a multiple rows into a summarized single column plus its total. Here's the current scenario: FROM THIS: DATE --- FIELD1 --- FIELD2 --- COUNT m/d/y --- xx11 --- 1 --- 1 m/d/y --- yy22 --- 2 --- 1 m/d/y --- xx11 --- 3 --- 1 m/d/y --- xx11 --- 4 --- 1 m/d/y --- zz33 --- 5 ---...
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