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  1. R

    blank lines in report, clients addressess

    Hi, I have create a standard letter in within my contact database, this is to send to all my clients. But some client addressess are shorter than others, for example one would have 1 Accacia Ave, London, EC1....Whereas another client would have 2 Accacia Ave, Abbey House, London, EC1...
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    Saving or emailing forms

    Many Thanks, I have been away from work. I shall look at this later.. Rob
  3. R

    Saving or emailing forms

    Hi ansentry I have downloaded your sample database, as I would like to add email customer to my database... The problem is when I click the Email Customer button, The VB editor opens with Compile Error Variable Not Found, I click ok and the Line Private Sub cmdEMailCustomer_Click() is...
  4. R

    Error on form

    Hi I have a contacts database that I have downloaded. It has a print labels selection on a form. when I select a label to be printed the following error occurs, can anyone help? MSACCESS caused an invalid page fault in module MSACCESS.EXE at 015f:3001f156. Registers: EAX=3001f142 CS=015f...
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    Hi I have downloaded a contacts database template in Access 2000. Which has a print labels facility, unfortunately a system error comes up. Which I have pasted below, can anyone explain? MSACCESS caused an invalid page fault in module MSACCESS.EXE at 015f:3001f156. Registers: EAX=3001f142...
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    I have now Changed the settings in startup. And when I try to open up the form i want to use, another error comes up stating 'Error accessing file.Network connection may have been lost' Can anyone help, I can send database if required.
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    HI, could you please explain how I would 'Remove the reference to the switchboard form in the Startup form option'. Many thanks
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    Hi I wanted to change te switchboard on my database, it didn't quite go to plan, and so I deleted it. I completed a new one, it didn't work. An error came up stating " Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost". The database was in a shared folder on the network, but I moved...
  9. R

    timeline chart

    Hi Many thanks for that. I am not about helping as I need the MinDate, to be current, even though the poject is a month old for expample? Could you possibly help, as I am not that advanced.
  10. R

    timeline chart

    your response has confused me. Although that is not difficult at the moment:) I am not sure how I would change the criteria of the bar, to match the date in the timeline. I can get the timeline to show the current month as the first in the timeline. The bar matches the timeline at the monet...
  11. R

    timeline chart

    I am looking for a solution to a Gantt chart I have on my database. I would like the bars to change with the months. For example, I have a bar going form Jan 1st to March 25th. When we get to Feb, the timeline on the chart will change to show Feb as the first month. But the bar stays...
  12. R

    gantt graph, calendar

    HI I am looking for a report template, that shows the next 18-24 months, which would be Jan03 to Dec05, and once at Feb it would be Feb03 to Jan05. As I want to be able to show the time taken to finish one project so on the left hand side would be a vertical list of jobs, and going out to the...
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