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  1. C

    Macro to generate distinct reports based on different records

    Hi Aparna, Yes you should be able to use this code although you will have to amend all the references to names which I have used for my DB. You won't necessarily need the "filterdefinition" line of code either... Write the vba code in a module and call it from a button on your form.
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    VBA to solve “cannot open any more tables” error

    Hi Pat, Basically I did it like that because I didn’t know how else to filter the report’s recordsource (qryRptS) other than [Company ID]=[Forms]![frmCompany]![CompanyID]. Is there a way to write something like this: Reports!rptQryS.Filter=”[Company ID] = “ & rst.Fields(“Company ID”) … in the...
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    VBA to solve “cannot open any more tables” error

    Hi All, Thanks for all the advice. The OpenReport command was definitely the culprit – I tried Vila’s initial suggestion of taking DoCmd.OpenReport out of the loop but even then it eventually gave me the same error. The method of saving reports to pdf using just OutputTo works like a dream...
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    VBA to solve “cannot open any more tables” error

    Hi All I am using the following code to generate a series of reports based on a query (qryRptS). This is quite intensive on the Jet database engine as after producing reports for the first 9 records an error appears declaring that Access “cannot open any more tables”. Dim qdf As QueryDef...
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    Query Def Objects for parameterized Access query

    I set the parameter type in the query "qryRptS" as Date/time for both instances and it seems to be working now
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    Query Def Objects for parameterized Access query

    The line producing the error is: Set rst=qdf.OpenRecordset()
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    Query Def Objects for parameterized Access query

    Hi VilaRestal, Thanks for getting back to me. In the latest code you posted I don't get the parameter error ("Too few parameters. Expected 2") but I get an error which says "data type mismatch in criteria expression"... Do you have any ideas about what could be casuing this?
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    Query Def Objects for parameterized Access query

    Hi there, I am trying to create a module with VBA to output approx 500 access reports into a folder. The access report is linked to a query called “qryRptS” with each record in the query responsible for one report. The problem is that qryRptS is a parameterised query based on 2 date fields...
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    Macro to generate distinct reports based on different records

    Thanks PNGBill. This is a good solution. I started off with my report (rptQryS) linked to a form and used the following code for mass pdf report generation: Do DoCmd.OpenReport "rptQryS", acViewReport, "", "", acNormal DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptQryS", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)"...
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    Macro to generate distinct reports based on different records

    Hi All, I am trying to create a macro to export a report to pdf multiple times for a whole series of different records. The report (rptQryS) is essentially a template which contains different information depending on which record of a form (frmCompany) is selected. I've had a go with the...
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    Can SendObject for PDF use acExportQualityPrint?

    How would one go about automating this process using an Outlook object?
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    Convert to PDF

    I have exactly the same problem - does anyone have any ideas on how to set "Standard Publishing" as the default quality option when exporting pdf directly to email?
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    The effect of network servers and common drives on DB

    Hi All, I've been designing my Access DB on a common drive (my reasoning is that this drive is backed up automatically every 24 hrs). Recently one of our IT guys was making some changes to our server and this coincided with certain queries, which were previously working, producing errors...
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    Effect of calculated controls in reports

    Hi All, I am currently designing a report with lots of calculated controls in the 'detail' section of the reports. An example would be as follows: ="For this period " & [Trading Name] & " has made cost savings of approximately: £" & Round([SumOfCOST SAVING],0) I have found it easier to...
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    Append Query - Add unique records only

    Hi All, I am no longer looking for a solution to this problem, but if someone has a solution then by all means put it up as others may be interested...
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    Append Query - Add unique records only

    Background I have 3 tables: tblCompanies, tblTrading and tblProducts. TblCompanies contains a list of client companies (and associated info), tblProducts contains a list of the different products we offer (and associated info) and tblTrading contains information about all of the transactions...
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    Creating a form on a linked table

    Thanks JANR...that is exactly what I was trying to do!
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    Creating a form on a linked table

    Here is the mdb
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    Creating a form on a linked table

    Here is a basic example of the Access 2007 though
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    Creating a form on a linked table

    This might be quite a simplistic problem but I still haven't found a solution yet. I have 3 tables: Companies, Trading and Products. The Companies table contains a list of our client companies (and associated info), the Product table contains a list of the different products we offer (and...
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