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  1. M

    Reading Field Data into Variable

    OK, That works as needed. Thank you. One more quick question.... I have a list box on a form I would like to capture the selected data into a variable. How can I do this? Everything I am trying just gives me the array value - a number. I want the text. Again, thanks Mike
  2. M

    Reading Field Data into Variable

    Hello, I would like to read field data from a table and have the data placed into a variable. How can I do this? Also, How do I address variables in SQL statements? I used to know this...just been too long. Thanks, Mike
  3. M

    Accessing a sub form

    RuralGuy, You are the man... I was using Field1.Text....and kept getting error messages. Took that you code showed...and it works. Thank you, Mike
  4. M

    Accessing a sub form

    OK, Maybe I am doing this wrong. The recordsetclone worked somewhat....It iterated the correct number of progress is being made. However, the data is not changing. Meaning as I iterate over a field for all the records, I should get the data from each field..but I am not. I get the...
  5. M

    Accessing a sub form

    I need to read the data in each field of each record. Thanks, Mike
  6. M

    Accessing a sub form

    OK, next problem... The sub form just displays a table. Based on the code and guidance previously posted, I am able to access the subform and each field. However, when I try to use the DoCmd.GoToRecord, , acNext, I get an error message telling me i cannot do this. I have tried several different...
  7. M

    Accessing a sub form

    RuralGuy, Hey thanks...that did the trick The problem was I was expecting the automatic completion popups to function....they don't....but the data is still accessed. Thank you, Mike
  8. M

    Accessing a sub form

    Hello, I need to access the records in a subform in visual basic. The subform shows a table. I can set the focus to the subform but when I try to set the focus to a field in the table, it does not work. I am doing something like this: Me.sub_form.SetFocus subform_fieldname.SetFocus variable =...
  9. M

    Retreiving Field Data

    OK, What I am doing (attempting) is this. I have a table with 3 fields that contain text. I have a button on a form that when clicked, I want to (using code) to iterate over each field in each record and read the text data into variable arrays. Something like this: For i equals 0 to...
  10. M

    Retreiving Field Data

    Hello, Been awhile since I have used ACCESS. How can I, using code, retreive data from specific fields in a table and read that data into a variable? Can this be done? Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. Mike
  11. M

    Cell Selection in Subform

    OK, That makes sense to me. One last question... Can I capture the user clicking into that grid as a click event or focus event? If not, how do I initiate the opening of the other form? I would like to use the click event if possible. Thanks for the insight and push in the right direction. Mike
  12. M

    Cell Selection in Subform

    Hello Forum, I have a form with a subform. The subform was created with the form wizard and displays data from a specific table. What I want to do is: when the user clicks in a specified cell in the subform table (the "Remarks" column), I want that click event or focus event to display another...
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