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    How to make a continuous form look like datasheet

    Thanks, that is what I was looking for!
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    How to make a continuous form look like datasheet

    I'm having the same problem either way. I have tried both.
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    How to make a continuous form look like datasheet

    I have a continuous form that I need to appear as a datasheet (one record per row). The data fields are "locked" to the left edge of the form. How do I free them for realignment inot a row (instead of a stack)?
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Thanks - that's exactly what I'm looking for in the first place. I'll leave you alone for a while now ")
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Since I'm in the early stages and will be setting precedents, I would like to try a continuous form before going farther. I'm not seeing that as one of the options, though. After CREATE FORMS, where do I go?
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Cool. I conected it to a query and it works fine. I was confused by the ellipse drop down in the properties, which presented a wizard that lookl to be for the purpose of building the criteria. My only remiaining issue on this form is minor and insignificnt. I can't see how to left align the...
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    Open a detail form from a query

    The formula, built by the wizard, is =[uni_modifydate] > date() -365.
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    Open a detail form from a query

    I appreciate your prompt replies, and will respond. In my attempt to answer you question, I accidentally hit a wrong key and have to rebuild the form. May be tomorrow.
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Thanks. I see my default is the datasheet, so that's cool. I had been trying that date formula, but I keep getting an error. I am using the RECORD SOURCE property to do this. Should I be doing in in VBA instead?
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Okay I have the datasheet in a form, and have two questions about that. (1) I am trying to filter the list to include records on-year old and newer. I am getting an error on the field, which seems to say that the formula is not correct. What would be a formula to display only records where...
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    Open a detail form from a query

    Thanks for responding. So I would use a multi-record form? I thought I had done that, but ended up with a query. I'll try again.
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    Open a detail form from a query

    As I mentioned in my intro, I am a novice ACCESS user, so my questions may be elementary. Please forgive me if that is the case. In Access 2007, I have a query that presents the user with a list of the contacts he/she is approved to access. I want the user to be able to "drill down" to the...
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    New member in Arizona

    Hi, I'm Bob. I work for a small (150 person) organization in the Phoenix area. While I have 40 years experience in the computer field, I am relatively new to the server/pc/MS world, having been a mainframe and mid-range programmer for the first half of my career, and in manangemnt and admin...
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