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  1. B

    help with code needed

    Many thanks, I am hhowever getting an error message when running it Complior error " If without block if" Inserted the following into previous code If [credit amount] <= 0 Then MsgBox "No credit is required" Exit Sub End If Any ideas what i have done wrong Cheers
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    help with code needed

    Hello i have a button which automaticly sends an email when pressed to someone else within the company to authorise credit, despite text on the screen people still click the button when no credit is required, so i need to restrict this if the credit is zero i have the code below which seems...
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    date/time problem

    Many thanks Still not sure about the hidden text field, can you use these in later calculations? would welcome more info. Ie we will need to calculate say the number of days betwenn date1 and date2 Anyway inserted the code into the dropdown box to reset date2 feild and it works fine. Once...
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    date/time problem

    Many thanks I do not fully understand your answer ( my fault ) I have a hidden field date2 which I had set default value to now() this as I said is showing the date the record was raised, I think therefore what I need to do is in the field approved properties set on update to somehow change...
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    date/time problem

    Help I seem to be brain dead today I have a form with a field whichautomaticly enters the date of the record being raised “now() “ I also have another field as drop down box to indicate approval “approved” It has now been decided that we wish to measure the time between the two, sounds...
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    Strange e-mailing report prob

    Hi I am having strange problems e-mailing a report I have used variations on the following code several times before with no problems, however on this occasion strange things are occurring. It seems I can mail the report once fine, if however I move to another record or try to send the form...
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    duplication problem

    oldsoftboss you are begining to confuse me again, your origional post reffered to a message box at the end of the code, which i replied saying i already had, i then put another message box at the begining of the code and this seems to work. So end result i now have 2 message boxes one which...
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    duplication problem

    Thanks but it is not really an option in this case. what the report is, is notification that something has been entered onto the database which requires their attention, so i do not really want it as optional usefull bit of code though have filed it for other uses. Many thanks BH
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    duplication problem

    right had an idea based on oldsoftboss's suggestion i have put an additional message box in prior to opening the email saying "opening e-mail editor" it seems to work i have tried double clicking and only getting the email sent to me once. it seems to be working then however i am aware this is...
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    duplication problem

    Thanks for the advise i do however already have a message box which comes up after the email has been sent. you do however have to click send to send the email when outlook opens, the message box appears after this. the idea of setting the code for double click worries me in that then if...
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    duplication problem

    Hi I have a form which has a button on it which when pressed e-mails a report to relevant people. Small problem I set it up to act when clicked once, however now the system is in operation it would seem that some people through habbit double click, thus sending the report twice, I have...
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    advice sought with queries

    Now i am bamboozled. Obviously that would be much better with the drop down list, but when i put your code in, i was not getting a drop down list, i still had to enter the name of the factory. i put the name of the feild as the name of the combo box where you said " your combo box" was this...
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    advice sought with queries

    Hayley just fiddled with my queery some more and if i just put in the following [ enter factory location] in the factory field it works fine and shows that on th emessage box, in doing so I have removed the code you sent THis does sound far to simple though can you let me know if i am in...
  14. B

    advice sought with queries

    My you are quick Many thanks will spend a bit of time llooking up pop up boxes will reply if i get stuck again Cheers bonehead
  15. B

    advice sought with queries

    Right Dumb question No 2 trying to make it more user freindly at the moment when i open query box comes up with the form name and feild names, Can i change this to read enter Factory location required , been looking around but cant find wher this message box details appear. thanks again Paul
  16. B

    advice sought with queries

    Wow That brilliant many thanks saved me loads of work and duplication Bone head
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    advice sought with queries

    Ok this is probably simple. I have a database with a field for several locations “ factory” I need to produce an identical report for each factory. I have started by doing a query for each factory and then producing a report. This seems cumbersome to me and I am sure there must be an easier...
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    another report question

    Hi I had a problem the other day which Braddcccs kindly helped me with many thanks and i was left with the following code Private Sub print_credit_Authorisation_Click() On Error GoTo Err_print_credit_Authorisation_Click Dim stDocName As String stDocName = "credit authorisation"...
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    report printing problem

    Many thanks
  20. B

    Change startup based on user

    Many thanks will also follow links if a short cut on your desk top is going to be the only way to access the data base then this is more problematic as my data base is on a company server, I am lucky accessing the system through a PC, however most people do not and do not have a desk top as...
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