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    ElseIf Problem

    David, you are a legend! After those amendments, all is working perfectly! :)
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    ElseIf Problem

    Linky to DB: (was too big to attach)
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    ElseIf Problem

    I'm calling the function using: As they (in the square brackets) are the actual names of the fields in the table. I've tried testing the function with the immediate window, but with no luck :(
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    ElseIf Problem

    Cheers for that namliam! That removed the 'Undefined function' error by renaming it :) I then came across a few errors where I'd got '[YEAR APPLIED FOR]' instead of 'YearAppliedFor' - I've since changed them, and now get no errors when loading the query... but instead get no data in the...
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    ElseIf Problem

    To update: I'm currently getting the following error when trying to run the query: I'll paste what I've got so far. Query field for it to get the data into: Full SQL: SELECT Appeal.Date, Appeal.[Panel Member 1], Appeal.[Panel Member 2], Appeal.[Panel Member 3], Appeal.Chair, Cases.[CASE ID]...
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    ElseIf Problem

    Cheers! :) Just two quick questions to clarify it as I'm not getting it right for some reason: - Am I right in assuming the code is just added in a new module? or is there another place that the code should be put? - In the query field for 'TxtOutCome:Outcome([SCHOOL TYPE],[SCHOOL],[ETC])'...
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    ElseIf Problem

    Hi, I'm trying to create a report that will produce automated sets of Committee Minutes for School Appeals, where there are a range of different outcomes, these being: The issue I have is trying to find a way to get these outcomes to display properly in the report. I have already tried...
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    Count function problem

    =DCount("YesNoField","SourceTable","YesNoField = True") ^^ that one worked great! Thanks again! :)
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    Count function problem

    Thanks very much, I'll try that :) - Steve
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    Count function problem

    Hi, I have a simple 1 table database about 'Care Services'. Each entry has contact details, etc.. and an option of lots of different categories it could come under, and they can come under as many categories as they want to - These are done as Yes/No boxes. Each search for a type of Service is...
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    Images in a drop down menu

    Thanks for that sample database :) It's sort of what I was after but ideally the pictures would be 'on' the drop down menu (combo box). I've tried having one table with the pictures in, and then the linking the combo box to the fields in the table, but it doesn't allow it to link to those...
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    Images in a drop down menu

    Anyone? :(
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    Images in a drop down menu

    Is it possible to put images in a drop down menu, eg: instead of having "square" "circle" and "square" you could have a picture in it's place. Thanks :)
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    Rounding to the nearest X Minutes

    Hi, Is there a simple way of getting access to round the time to the nearest 5 or 10 minutes :) Thanks :)
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    'Or' Criteria ???

    any help?
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    'Or' Criteria ???

    It didn't really help, but thanks anyway. I think i was just very bad at explaining what i wanted... *tries again* :) In the criteria box in a query, if you put [Enter User ID], when running it a box pops up asking you to enter user id, same thing happens if you ask [insert surname], but is...
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    'Or' Criteria ???

    hi, I wish to create a criteria for a query that can have multiple inputs. i want to to have "Please enter 'user ID' or Surname" as the thing to enter, so that the person imputting the data can type in either '3' as the user id or 'Smith' for the surname. If user id 3 had the surname of smith...
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