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  1. T

    Refresh combo box data

    Thanks for the reply. Yes I work from 2 tables. The client table I administer and the agent table is administered by someone 700 miles away who emails me the excel which I inport weekly which links to my table. The inforamtion in the agent table therefore I do not keep up to date. I therefore...
  2. T

    Refresh combo box data

    Hi All, I have searched this forum and have seen a few ideas but are not answering my question. My apologies if this is a duplication but I am stumped. I have a form (client information main form) with a combo box (combo281) which is linked to the [agent code] field which once selected...
  3. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Yes we can use the filed which is in the database called [Date received from brokerage] Are you able to include this into the [age] formula calculation for me?
  4. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Hi. From when I enter the client onto the database syes when client is registered if possible?
  5. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Thanks. I cahnged the system time and the [age] did nfortunately change. Is there anyay to set the claculation that the [age] wont change as this [age] is used to calculate commission on a policy and if I want to reference this in years to come I need the [age] to be the same as when I first...
  6. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    JHB, one last question. In the [age] calculation filed where this formula is in - =IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Client information main form]![Policyholder id number]),0,DateDiff("yyyy",DateSerial(Left([Forms]![Client information main form]![Policyholder id number],2),Mid([Forms]![Client information main...
  7. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Thanks agan JHB. Works perfectly. Have a great weekend:D
  8. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Well sptted. The calculation included is GrossCommission: IIf([age]>26,[new premium]*12*0.85,[new premium]*12*0.0325*[age]) where it should be GrossCommission: IIf([age]>26,[new premium]*12*0.85,[new premium]*12*0.0325*[term]) The last part of the calculation should be [term] and not [age]...
  9. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Yu are an absolute star pal. I cant thank you enough:cool:
  10. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Thanks JHB. I have attached my zipped 2010 database where I have only included the necessary queries, forms and the report I am battling with. On the form you will see at tab called "Comm" so this is where the calculated textboxes are used with their respective formulas. These are the formulas...
  11. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Hi Thanks for the reply. I am using a selct query and the textboxes I want to use the calculation for are unbound so how do I select one to relfect in the query. If you are able to show me how to do this it would be great otherwise I will upload the simplified database. I am using 2010 so let...
  12. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Sorry pal. I do not want the calculation as a criteria. Where do I insert the calculation as an expression in the query?
  13. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Thanks JHB. So you mean I need to put the calculation expression in the criteria in the query for the report as an expression?
  14. T

    Link form text fields into a report

    Hi All, I am using 2010 and on my form I have text fileds with expressions (calculations) in the form which are workiing perfectly. I now would like to generate a report to include these values of the text boxes per record so I am using for example =[Forms]![Client Information Main...
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