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  1. T

    Access 2010-Combining Make Table and Append Queries

    I need to be able to create random practice examinations from a single data table of questions. The questions are grouped by Learning Objective Codes. At present, I have achieved this by creating a Make Table Query selecting n questions from LO Code 1. I have then created a series of Append...
  2. T

    Selecting Characters for Report Lists

    Thanks for the info but can't seem to get that one working either. Maybe I'm putting it into the wrong place. Thanks again. :)
  3. T

    Selecting Characters for Report Lists

    Hi all, I've created a query to construct a report (MS Access 2010) based on questions from one table and optional answers from four other tables (one of which contains the correct answer, the other three containing incorrect answers). I've managed to randomise the order of the optional...
  4. T

    Change Colour of Text Box in Form

    I was always very proud of my army Annual Confidential Reports, which invariably read: "XXX consistently sets remarkably low standards but nevertheless succeeds in exceeding them at every given opportunity". Read that whichever way around you will...................... :D Again, my thanks for...
  5. T

    Change Colour of Text Box in Form

    Thank you Bob (a) for the speed of response and (b) for solving my problem. I'm running Access 2010 and had actually tried the conditional formatting but tried the usual Access conditions of Yes/No and 0/1 and didn't think of trying True/False. What a plonker! :o Oh well, in my defence, I did...
  6. T

    Change Colour of Text Box in Form

    Hi, Newbie to the forum and pretty amateur at Access programming if I was to be completely honest. My question is probably very basic and I understand the fundamentals of what needs to be done but not the specifics. I have a database managing questions for a training course, using a form with...
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