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  1. M

    Sub-form button unable to locate data

    Okay I figured it out...can't believe I didn't see this one. The code is supposed to be : .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("ReporterName").Select .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me!Reporting_Party_Name)) Apparently just setting it to Me!Fieldname worked. I guess I was trying to be too specific...
  2. M

    Sub-form button unable to locate data

    I am unable to post the DB because I do not have enough posts yet. However, I can tell you that the name of the subform control is Records_Subform (Link Master Fields is Street_Address) The name of the "subform" itself is Records Subform, with Source being table "Records" I really feel like...
  3. M

    Sub-form button unable to locate data

    Paul, Thank you for the information - although I did see this and tried a few variations in that document. I had replaced .Selection.Text = (CStr(Forms!Records_Subform!Reporting_Party_Name)) With .Selection.Text = (CStr(Me!Records_Subform.Form.Reporting_Party_Name)) but it tells me it...
  4. M

    Sub-form button unable to locate data

    Hello all, This is my first post on this forum - albeit I have been using this website as an invaluable resource on obtaining lots of helpful information on building my access database. I am building a database for work, and I have setup a database with two tables and two forms. There is...
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