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  1. D

    Class module: Pick from a list of possible property values?

    I appreciate any direction you can give me, if I am thinking about this the wrong way. I have something like this in my class module: Class ODBCServer Property Get Value() As String .... etc. So, this is what I want to happen when I instantiate ODBCServer, and choose the Value property...
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    Class module: Pick from a list of possible property values?

    I am having trouble finding anyone discussing this question. In a class module, say I have a property Color. Class Stuff Property Get Color() as string Color = mlColor End Property Property Let Color(ByVal NewColor as String) mlColor = NewColor End Property But when I am using this...
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    After Update Event in Web Apps

    Thanks for the reply. I know that I can check a specific field, and maybe that isn't what you mean, but I mean something much more dynamic. For instance, if I have 50 fields, hypothetically, I do not want to create logic naming and checking all 50 fields. I would like for it to just tell me...
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    After Update Event in Web Apps

    I am an experienced Access VBA and SQL Server developer and I think this is an amazing tool that I am just getting into. I have a question on this same subject though. I want to insert only the specific field changed into an audit table. I see the event Update([Field]) which tells if a field...
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    Just a global variable that has to do with my form. There is one of 6 possible.
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    Thanks, I will give this a try. I have tried the function both with and without a error handler with no difference. EDIT: I tried this with no difference. The problem is the VB window has to in some way be open/active for the code to work, as was mentioned.
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    That is not exactly the case from what I see. I do have to open VB editor once, but then if I close it, the code works and runs even if it not showing anywhere. Thanks, I will take a look.
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    I should mention.....I think this is a hopeless endeavor anyway, because I am looking to convert this to an MDE for the end user. I think I am going to abandon the whole idea. I wanted to have this detailed info to streamline error checking if it occurred, but it doesn't look like it is worth...
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    But it also works when the VBE window is closed, after I have opened it at least once. But if I close and re-open the db, I get the same error the first time, until I open and close the VBE again. How can it be inserted manually a different way? Will other people with different versions of...
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    I am not quite sure what you mean by 'resume' on completion. Here is my whole routine: Private Sub cmdOpenP1_Click() On Error GoTo errhandler critFieldNum = 1 Call parOpenUpdate(critFieldNum) Exit Sub errhandler: strObjName =...
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    Error Handler Not Handling Error 91

    I have been reading up a little and it seems that this may be a bug.... Here is what is happening: I have error handling code that should avoid an error message. The first time I have an error, however, it throws error 91: Object Variable or With Block Variable Not set Then, any other time...
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    Use String As Control

    This working! Thanks so much!
  13. D

    Use String As Control

    I have about 500 controls I need to loop through, each named according to a specific number/letter combination for easy reference. I want to decide WHICH control to update based on a string variable, but I have looked around and cannot seem to find any way to use/convert a string variable to...
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    Using Expression Builder in Forms

    I want this functionality even for myself. In my line of work, we often have two tables with a matching field that you WOULD join on, but it has characters appended to the end. The solution is normally to create a query with a MID() function, and/or make a table from that, THEN link the tables...
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    Using Expression Builder in Forms

    I want to call up the Expression builder in an Access Form, and save the result as a string variable to use in a SQL string. Is this possible? Actually, also what would work for me is if somehow the user could type in a text box and it automatically called up the tables/functions/etc. just as...
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    I have been greatly helped by information found here, and thought it would be very good to join, and hopefully share some myself but also learn much more. I have good experience in database platforms (Access, SQL Server), and beginner/intermediate VBA skills. Thanks for having these forums!
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