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  1. P

    Simple function to Check if date is DST (Daylight Saving Time)

    There are plenty of examples of a need to modify file date/times. Here are a few of mine: My first need for Pearson’s file-date/time functions was a project for which the organization needed a system to suck data out of a massive pile of complex Word-document forms and organize it in...
  2. P

    Simple function to Check if date is DST (Daylight Saving Time)

    Yes, if all one needs is to determine the current-date DST status in one’s local time zone then use of GetTimeZoneInformation via Pearson’s DaylightTime function would make lots of sense. But, ironically, the need for the more sophisticated functionally of my routine set (above) was driven by...
  3. P

    Simple function to Check if date is DST (Daylight Saving Time)

    The attached file contains several routines that may be helpful. (It was developed under Excel but is all standard VBA so it should execute under Access as well): CheckDST: Full-featured version. Returns True if Daylight Savings Time (or British Summer Time) applies to a specified date (in an...
  4. P

    DateDiff fractional months

    Good questions, which obviously bring in more complex calendar variables such as holidays and personal calendars and such. In this case, the rate is strictly monthly (not daily or hourly per month), so those factors don't come into play.
  5. P

    DateDiff fractional months

    jdraw: The context in which I had to sort this out is one in which people get paid a monthly rate for a service being provided but they can work whole and/or fractions of months. So it raised the question of what a "fraction of a month" actually means when they have different lengths and...
  6. P

    DateDiff fractional months

    I’m aware that this is an old thread, but it is an issue that keeps cropping up in various VBA contexts and I have yet to find a complete solution, so I thought I’d offer one: Public Function MonthDiffFloat(ByVal StartDate As Variant, ByVal EndDate As Variant) As Single 'Returns the...
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