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  1. P


    Thanks for your help! The problem was me using .txt rather than .text
  2. P


    Hi, Paul recent University of Illinois graduate. Have been using access for 3-4 years now, but have never really been trained on it. (hence my methods are a little weird at times). Look forward to furthering my access skills.
  3. P


    Thanks for the welcoming and the quick response! After_Update worked as well. What I have done is taken a form and created multiple entry spots for employee number and hours in order to enter multiple under the same job into a table that holds the employees hours. I used the following code...
  4. P


    I have a form with an unbound textbox called EMPLOYEENO1 through EMPLOYEENO5 and FNAME1 through FNAME5. I would like to make it so that as the data inside of EMPLOYEENO changes the FNAME updates. FNAME would update from a query called EMPLOYEENO that contains EMPLOYEENO and NAME. I have gotten...
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