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  1. L

    Prevent filling out sub folder

    Thank you, it led me on the right track. I used this vba code in my sub form "On Current" event, and it worked, so the sub form is locked if there is no record in the main form, and unlocked when there is a record in the main form. Private Sub Form_Current() If...
  2. L

    Prevent filling out sub folder

    I am trying to prevent users to make new records in a sub form, when the main form has no record. Normally we create a new record, when a user pick them selves with a combo box. But several time, they start filling out the sub form, without making the record in the main form. How can I prevent...
  3. L

    Transfer Text Box value from Popup form to Subform

    This solution worked perfect too. You guys are good. Thank you! :cool:
  4. L

    Transfer Text Box value from Popup form to Subform

    Worked perfect. Thank you, you saved my day.:cool: Ps: I changed two typing mistakes to your code: Forms!Shop_Orders.Shop_Order_Detail_Extended.Form.Colour=Me.ColorNo
  5. L

    Transfer Text Box value from Popup form to Subform

    I have a main form with a subform in table view, and a popup continuous form. The reason for the continuous form, is to show the product picure also. I have products in two dimensions, product number and color. What I want is to send a ColourID from the Popup form to the Subform. My main form is...
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