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  1. S

    Table linking

    I would say take out the site_contact and site_tele and put them in the site table. Otherwise you will have repeating attributes if a site has more than one router, and you're storing the same information twice.
  2. S

    Command Button Query

    All I have a list form that produces the results from a query detailing someones current tasks. I want a command button on each row which will take the user to the full request. What code would I put in the command button to perform this function? Many thanks Steve
  3. S


    Have you done a left join here or something?
  4. S

    Auto E Mail Notification From Access 2K

    Many Thanks Sonny: In answer to your question yes we have a network where everyone logs on. Dreamboat: I'm liking your suggestions very much. Yes everyone who needs to authorise a task or carry out a task will have access to the database. So having a current tasks list would work. I'm...
  5. S

    command coming up with #NUM!

    How about using an if statement in VBA then so that if both of the text boxes are zero, don't perform the calculation and set the textbox with the calculation in to '0' ??
  6. S

    command coming up with #NUM!

    Dont know if it will work, but try setting the default value in each of the text boxes to '0'.
  7. S

    Auto E Mail Notification From Access 2K

    I'm currently building a Change Management and being relatively new to Access, I'm having to find out things as I go along. I want the system to be able to send e mail notifications out to people when tasks need to authorised/actioned, but I don't know how to go about it. I think my table...
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