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  1. S

    Entering Data Once

    I hate to ask (but I'm gonna anyway), but why not just design a user form for entering the data instead of the Excel sheet? Access exists because Excel is not really meant to store changing data. jason.
  2. S

    DateDiff fractional months

    One Dollar Rent Special! Hey, I just was happy to answer the technical question. The lesson being to use it at your own business risk. Although, it doesn't seem that strange to me at all that you pay the same rent every month, and yet that means that Feburary my apartment is much more...
  3. S

    DateDiff fractional months

    Wha...? I thought the purpose was to change Feb 14 into .5 months so that you could mutliply that by some one's rent to decide how much they owe. I just showed two ways below how to get that. All you need is the ratio between the day your ending on and the number of days in a month. To...
  4. S

    Billing rate

    Yes, yes... You are all correct. I was thinking very much about side work, not at all main income. But, of course, while my number is incorrect for the type of work we're talking about, the spirit of my answer is correct: it depends on what we're talking about. Sorry about that (kinda...
  5. S

    DateDiff fractional months

    Upon further reflection... On my way home, I realized I over did this. I was originally thinking in terms of a single line solution--something you might put into a query. What I wrote below should be rather straight forward to convert to an expression. But, if it's going to be code, you could...
  6. S

    Billing rate

    Depends on the customer, like I said. If your sister wants a database for her teen mags, she aint gonna pay you $75 for the whole friggin' thing. Like I said, gauge your customer and what you want to get. And, how long is the project, etc. There are sites out there that advertise $10 an hour...
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    DateDiff fractional months

    Instead of: DateDiff("d",[Start],[End])/30 The following code may have a more elegant solution, but this works... 'Function to get fractional months Function DateFraction(ByVal dt_start As Date, ByVal dt_end As Date) As Double Dim valD As Integer Dim valM As Integer Dim valF As Integer Dim...
  8. S

    List Box no refresh

    Requery or Recalc...I always forget... It might be form.Recalc instead. I always forget which does which. If that doesn't work, could you trace the process for me? I'm confused as to where you are writing the data and from where you are reading the data. Is it the same Table--directly from...
  9. S

    Clicked yes on "Block unsafe expressions" - how is it reversed?

    Hmm... I'm curious as to why you can't do anything after selecting that option. I've found that all it does is ask one less question every time I open the database. I have tons of code. And, clicking a "print" button doesn't seem unsafe at all. I have code that explores every file in a Network...
  10. S

    Billing rate

    For Access? Knowing nothing about what kind of project you're talking about, I'd probably charge around $25 an hour. But it depends on, like, a billion factors. What are you willing to work for? How big is the project? How rich is the customer? How important is the work to the customer? Is it...
  11. S

    File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded

    File Sharing Lock Pain! Sigh. I think you all might be /slightly/ wrong or this afternoon is "No FileSharingLock hour". I have a table that always fires this error during a weekly update. The table that always gets stuck is part of a few that get refreshed through an ODBC process. What's...
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