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  1. T

    OnOpen Criteria

    Trust me, I would LOVE to do me that makes sense, but I be a simple mind when it comes to access, and the gurus say that is not possible : ) But then, perhaps you are a enlighten me if you will! How can i code the where function in to work? Thanks : )
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    OnOpen Criteria

    ok. i did some research on Dlookup. Currently my form has a code that calculates the date difference between two date fields and displays in a label "overdue" or "on schedule" It looks as though Dlookup can only look up a single table value. Im looking up what a label says in a form and...
  3. T

    OnOpen Criteria

    Ok, I fixed the end if problem. Now it gives me a label error. If you cant check a value on a form before you open it, then how do you open forms with specific criteria? I dont define link criteria, because there is nothing that links the current form to the one I am opening. The current...
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    OnOpen Criteria

    I was hoping any of you could put me on the right track to figuring out this code: Private Sub LateRecords_Click() On Error GoTo LateRecords_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "FormProvisionstoFollow" If...
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    When printing Report, fields are blank

    Bob and Aero. Thanks for all your hard work and patience with me. I have gotten it to work thanks to your help! : )
  6. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    its a table. i attached the REALLY shortened/deleted version in one of the earlier posts if you wish to look at it. thanks for your help : )
  7. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    oh, i deleted the where clause, so that now it doesnt prompt me for txtcarnumber when I click print. But there is still that syntax error, so the report wont open.
  8. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    Ok: Bare with me. 1) Allow Zero Length = No. ..changed all my tables values to Yes. --Didnt solve the problem 2) Just as I had said. You have a text box on the Report that is named CARNumber and the field name is CARNumber. Change the control to txtCARNumber and also on the form...
  9. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    It doesnt work. Hopefully you have access 97 - which is what I am using. I sent the file to a friend, and he says the code works in his access XP - but he cant explain to me why. I dont have the ability to convert the file to XP, so i still have to find out what is wrong and fix it. Ive...
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    When printing Report, fields are blank

    I once did have CARNumber as CAR...Now Im glad I changed it : ) No idea otherwise what might be making the report blank though?
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    When printing Report, fields are blank

    Im confused. I dont have a table field titled "CAR" "CAR" is only the name of my table.
  12. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    Record source for both the form and the report is table titled "CAR"
  13. T

    When printing Report, fields are blank

    I have looked up many examples and concocted the following code which is under a command in a form. I would like this command to print the current record in the form as a report. However, when it prints, the report template is there..but the data is not. What could I be doing incorrectly...
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