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  1. C

    Question OLE server error for pdf files embedded in Access 2007

    Thanks, sandkicker. Godsend!
  2. C

    OLE link woes

    Hi all, I'm trying to figure out a way of recording a sound file as a linked OLE object. I have no trouble doing this as an embedded object, but since the file type is .wav, the DB starts to bloat quickly as you can imagine. In theory, this code should work (Me.soundfile is the bound object...
  3. C

    Exporting OLE sound files

    In case anyone is interested, here's how to do what I describe above, assuming you have a table with an OLE object filed called "soundfile", and two buttons on the form called "play" and "recordsound": Private Sub Play_Click() Me.Soundfile.Action = 7 End Sub Private Sub RecordSound_Click()...
  4. C

    Exporting OLE sound files

    George, Thanks for setting me straight. I managed to get the regular Windows sound recorder application to record and play the sound file, which is stored in a table as an OLE object (right?), from a form, and so now 'just' need to collect several of these into one file, which I could achieve...
  5. C

    Exporting OLE sound files

    Hi all, I have a table that contains OLE sound files as well as several other fields. I would like to be able to export these out of Access, or even better, to be able to collect several of them them into one long sound file and export it. Does anyone have a way that I can do this...
  6. C

    How to select top three values from a crosstab

    Thanks for the quick reply. Actually, it's not the top 3 activities overall that I'm after; it's each person's top three, independent of the others. I can figure out how to do this (visually, at least) in Excel, but there must be a way to do it programmatically or with SQL... Many thanks...
  7. C

    How to select top three values from a crosstab

    HI all, I have a crosstab query that counts the number of times each of a list of activities has been entered for every user, like this: User act-1 act-2 act-3 etc Dana----3 John ---------1 -------4 Fox...
  8. C

    How to relate tables and display the correct values..

    I'm sorry if this is obvious, but I have asked local professionals and scoured this site for answers before posting... I have a database that I'm using to store and analyze language samples (basically, the mistakes that students make when trying to speak in another language). For each bit of...
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