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  1. J

    Tool Bar

    YES!!!!!!! That is the solution!!! I was not changing anything from the startup menu, now it is working!!! Thanks!!!! Rgds,
  2. J

    Exporting data from .xls to .mdb

    Hi Cindy, I have tried to import a table in mdb and it worked fine. I did the following: - Data menu/Get external data/new database query/msaccess database - Selected the mdb/next/next/next/finish - There is a button called "Properties" which you can choose whether you want to include the...
  3. J

    Tool Bar

    Hi Bob, I can do that, but this is not the problem... the problem is that I don't want anybody to see the design view. I can create a tool bar and remove some menus but it will not interact in any other machine. You can do a test, try to remove some menus or hide them in your computer, and...
  4. J

    Tool Bar

    Twoplustwo, There are many people accessing this file 60/70, the problem is that I don't want they change anything in the file, they cannot access the tables, forms, query... so I remove the menu "view", "tools"... but when they open the file in their machine they can see these menu there and...
  5. J

    Tool Bar

    Morning, I've removed some options (Design view-form design...) from the menu but it doesn't work in other machines, the other people can access the estruture mode and change my form. What can I do? Thanks.
  6. J

    DLookup with string

    Sorry for my inattention!!!! Thank you!!!
  7. J

    DLookup with string

    Hi everybody! I have another problem: I have a table (Contas) whitch has two columns: Conta / Nome. The data type for conta is text (it will accept exactly 20 numbers) The problem is that using the Dlookup function a message appears saying: "Datatype mismatch in criterian expression." If...
  8. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    Hi people, As you can see in the attached file, there is no code but the form is still there and if you try to open the vba window from the form you cannot see it. I had something like that inside the form: (it's a piece of the code) Private Sub cmdsalvar_Click() On Error GoTo...
  9. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    Hi bob, I've checked and there is no form module in my DB. The office version is 2000 Rgds
  10. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    Hi DCrake, When I create a new module, there is no code in there...I cannot see my form/code. If I open my form and select "Code" from menu view or "Build" button, nothing happens... the VBA screen isn't opened... It never happened before!! I think there is an error with my database... I'm...
  11. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    No problem, I have an old backup, I think I've lost just 1 workday... Now I'll create backups every 5 minutes....rsrsrs Tks!
  12. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    Ken, What I meant is that I was put a condition in a text box "if txt... = "" then..." and then after closing the form and open it again I couldn't see the code anymore. I was not using a module, I created subs in the form. Bob, As I said, I was not using module, I tried also to repair the...
  13. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    Ken, I didn't created any module, I tried in other machine but the problem is in the file... I don't know what heppened... I was just put a condition in a text box, error occured and I had to close the form, after opening it, I couldn't see the code anymore... very strange... Rgds,
  14. J

    I cannot see my VBA code

    People, I have a huge problem!!! Suddenly I cannot see my VBA code anymore... I'm clicking on Build button and choosing "Code builder", but nothing happens... the vba code doesn't appear... I think I've lost all my code... Has it happened with everyone before???? Tks!!
  15. J

    SQL inquiry

    Hi Pbaldy! I'd like to thank you, it's working now! Tks a lot
  16. J

    SQL inquiry

    Sorry for my ignorance but it didn't work... a message appeared: Complile error: Expected: = The code is as follows: Private Sub cmd_Click() DLookup("perfil", "user", "numero = " & Me.txtnumero) End Sub I was trying to do something like below but it didn't work too... Private Sub...
  17. J

    SQL inquiry

    Hi pbaldy!!! But the problem is that the table has about 60000 records and it might be increased. Is there any way to use a sql code to search the data from a table? like: "Select perfil from user where numero=txtnumero" Tks.
  18. J

    SQL inquiry

    People, I have a table called "User" and I need to get the "Perfil" field when customer informs the number "numero" field Table - user: numero - perfil 1 junior 2 master 3 pleno something like that: There is a text box (txtnumero) and a button (cmdbusca) on the form, Once the number is...
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