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  1. D

    Public IP

    How can I get the public IP address via vbalike ?Thanks
  2. D

    The Religion of Atheism

    Atheist Kindergarten!
  3. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Cheers mate - yep that makes more sense now!Thats the simplest way to go I think! Ta
  4. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Cheers mate - I have already gone with the method I posted (which seems to work OK)I have had a look at you method and its seems to return all dates bewteen the criteria and all date not between the criteria. Which means it returns all of them, and idnore the criteria altogether????
  5. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Cheers that would work,I have gone withSELECT Membership.MembershipNo, Membership.RenewalDate, DateSerial(Year([renewalDate])+IIf(DatePart("y",[RenewalDate])=DatePart("y",GetEnd()),-1,0),Month(GetStart()),Day(GetStart())) AS VariantStart...
  6. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Yep - thats what I want - and post 7 does indeed do somewhat of this - it substitues in the year of the date to be filtered - by the date criteria, so no matter what the year its correct.The problem still being - a period that crosses the year boundary - ie 21/03/2008 to 13/01/2009 - which post...
  7. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Thanks - I have gone with post 7 method - which works fine if the start and end period is in teh same year. I suppose I can evaluate if the end dat is in the next year and just add a year on to the end variant date.Sorry can you run me through post 8, I am not sure hwats happening here. Thanks...
  8. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Yep - any year at all - but in the right part of any year.
  9. D

    Date Criteria without year

    Date Criteria without yearSay the User entered 22/Feb/2000 to 02/Jan/2001how would i enter the criteria in a query to pull out all the records with dates between 22 Feb and 02 Jan regadless of the year?Thanks
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