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  1. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Thanks for explaining, it doesn't work with access 2010. that is what I have, your file works because access runs it like the version it was made in, but if I try the same thing with access 2010 it doesn't work at all. Microsoft changed the webbrowser control completely I think? I tried few...
  2. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    I think I got it, but not sure 100% correct me if I am wrong, you loop through crap which holds the html code from the site, when you reach the name of the country you change the value of the txtboxes to the content of the TD's td 1,2 and last td being the buy rate.. Am I reading it wrong?
  3. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Just when I thought I was starting to understand the first code, this code seems alot shorter than the other one. What I dont understand is, how are you getting to the td where the rate is? I know you are using the name of the country to search in the html but what I dont see is how you are...
  4. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Thank you for your help, you saved me allot of time, to enter it into my database I had to do it manually each costumer. Thanks
  5. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Thank you very much, I am now reading the vba code reference to understand how it is done, it is a habit of mine to try and understand. Thanks, is there a tutorial online you know off that deals with this topic?
  6. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    hi, is there a way I can set the web-browser hidden, I tried to set the visibility no but it doesn't work, I am trying to just get the rate in a variable and use it in calculations, so no need to see the site. Thanks
  7. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Wow! That is amazing! Thank you soo much, I am going to look at the code and try to understand how it is done when I get home. thank you soo much, I only need United States.
  8. K

    What is the best way to get data from website

    Hi, I am new to vba, I am trying to get a data from bank website, what I am trying to get is the exchange rate for only one of the countries listed on the site, the link never changes, but the rates update every few minutes. What I am trying to do is during data entry the form will fill the...
  9. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    Thank you, you didnt need to do all that, I already started using the function and it works just fine with my database. Thanks for taking the time to do that, I am sure some other noob like me one day will do a search on this forum like I have been doing for the past 3 days before I posted the...
  10. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    Thank soo much man, that was amazing, how easy it was and how hard I was making it, your code WORKS and thanks to you my nightmare is over, and it reads like plain English for a noob like me. Thank you for your time, and thanks to the owners of this amazing website.
  11. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    Thank you guys for the help, ima test both codes, like I said I am new to vba and access, Poppa Smurf code I can understand but the_net_2.0 code well I will have to learn few things about vb coding before I can understand, I never used for loop like that before, so I dont understand how it would...
  12. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    Thanks, I am going to test this, didn't think of arrays at all, I just posted what I have so far, but as you can see it will be a long code, yours is much cleaner.
  13. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    This is what I came up with for now, but it doesn't work fully, for some reason it goes in tot he last loob only 2 times instead of 3 if the for example change is 50.75 for the sake of testing only, I made if statements for only 20 10 and .25 it is understandable if those work there rest should...
  14. K

    calculating customer change in 10's 5' etc

    Hi, thank in advance for your help, I am trying to make a access program to keep track of the money in the Till. I am thinking of storing the number of 20' , 10' , 5' to 0.01 in the till in a table, and once the total of the change is calculated, check to see if there are any 20' in table...
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