Search results

  1. D

    multi value search in textbox of a form

    Thanks for getting back to me. In my database, the search box works fine, but when I click my show all records button, the list repopulates, but I can't click in the searchbox to complete another search until I click in one of the records on the list. I want the cursor to be in the searchbox...
  2. D

    multi value search in textbox of a form

    Dear JANR - I am working on something similar as lupis. My Show All button works except that when I try to click back in the searchbox I can't until I have clicked in a record in the list. How can I avoid this extra step? I copied the code you provided but am still having the problem. Ugh!
  3. D

    Returning to searchbox after show all records

    I copied the searchbox from the contacts database template in Access 2007 for my database. It is working fine except that after I choose the Show All Records button I have to click on an actually record in the list before I can return to the searchbox. This is an extra step that I don't want...
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