Question Access Won't Save!


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Today, 11:14
Aug 17, 2009
I had to make some changes to my switchboard and now the changes won't save. Somehow the connection from the Switchboard was lost in a mini meltdown the program was having and when I tried to reconnect it wouldn't work. Now I have recreated the switchboard and deleted the old one, but now Access won't save the changes. If I try to save it just sits there, no errors or anything, when I try to close it asks if I want to save the changes and when I click Yes, it just sits there. The only way it will do anything is to say no to saving the changes and then it closes. I even hit Yes and let it sit for 2 -3 minutes and it was still sitting there, not saving the changes. It is a split database and I have relinked the tables, but still no save. Any ideas?? Thanks!

I maybe off base, it's been awhile since I have seen this. So you might want to check this.
If any VBA code ran, it could set things like turn warnings off, don't save forms (etc.) that did not get reset, and it affects the whole system. Exit and go back in, but don't run anything, and see if it wills ave, I think that is the big red flag pointing to this type of situation.
And if that fails, try importing everything into a new, blank mdb/accdb file and see if that helps.

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