allow multiple values - should I?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:46
Feb 6, 2009
I am helping a non-profit set up a database of resources for their clients. The ultimate goal is for a client to come in, state their need (eg. immigration lawyer), and for us to to be able to pull up a listing of lawyers (or pediatricians or....)

Some resources have multiple areas of specialty (immigration, criminal, civil, divorce for lawyers...or pediatrics, geriatric, kidney etc. for doctors)

I was thinking of allowing the person entering the data to store multiple values in the "specialty" field for the resource - but am worried about the design.

If multiple values are stored, will that prevent us from being able to run a query and pull up all the Lawyers who have immigration as a specialty?

Would it be better to have a resource guide that has 10 entries for a resource if the resource has 10 areas of specialty?

Seems so nice and easy for the data entry person to just pick from a combo-box for ALL the specialties at one time..

But, don't want to save time now only to have to re-do everything later..

In order for your tables to be normalized you will need one for the Professional, one for the occupation or talent, and another that puts the two PrimaryKey fields together in a record for the M:M relationship.

Table1 - Doctors Name and Address with an ID for the DR.
Table2 - List of Medical Specialties with an ID for the specialty
Table3 - two fields - the Dr ID & the Medical ID

Is that right?
Bingo! Right on the button. Use an AutoNumber for the PrimaryKey fields and a LongInteger for the ForeignKey fields. Name the ForeignKey fields in table 3 the same name you use where they are a PrimaryKey. It make it ia lot easier to understand and maintain later.
Great! Lots of luck with the project and have fun.

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