Am I ">" or Not?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 04:45
Mar 22, 2009
than the mediocre guy who uses an ms excel workbook just to create a table to copy and paste it in a word document as he doesn't know how to create a table in a word document.

This question may sound egoistic but its about the black economy running in my country...

That guy earns atleast a 15K Bucks a Month but I am here typing this post jobless. Fair?
Those of us who don't live in your country cannot answer questions about its dark economy. Earning 15K a month is 240K a year, which sounds pretty substantial. But is there something else this person does? And how do you know the details?

Sometimes we see scammers who advertise some unreasonably high salary but by the time you take into account how many hours per day are involved, you realize that you are at near slave-labor conditions. In the USA, we see glowing ads for jobs that NEVER reach the status of reality. So there is some question as to how you know about this job. Here's the real question: If you actually KNOW the person doing this, ask him how he got the job and if the boss is still hiring. There is also the chance that the guy is just bragging.
near slave-labor conditions
just like what the USA is taking advantage of, in the form of tech talent from other countries. this crap has been going on for quite some time now I hear.
than the mediocre guy who uses an ms excel workbook just to create a table to copy and paste it in a word document as he doesn't know how to create a table in a word document.

This question may sound egoistic but its about the black economy running in my country...

That guy earns atleast a 15K Bucks a Month but I am here typing this post jobless. Fair?

Maybe that guy does said work in the context of something even darker - and thus earns big bucks.

Maybe that excel table is an accounting record of the drug drops made that week, or the call center scammers in Myanmar who polled hours last month, etc. etc. etc.
There was that guy in New York who outsourced his $100K job to a Chinese for $10K. Got outed by his company because of monitoring of IT traffic with a lot to a Chinese website.
There are thousands in Britain, who are very well paid and see no problem in sitting in their car
whilst a virtual slave scurries around washing and polishing it. That slave is probably working
70 or 80 hours a week for a fiver and a mattress on the floor. Paying off his gangmaster.
The guy in the car is maybe sat there thinking is was unfair that his last bonus was only £10,000.
It's odds-on he doesn't even tip the slave. So nothing has changed since Roman times.
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There are thousands in Britain, who are very well paid and see no problem in sitting in their car
whilst a virtual slave scurries around washing and polishing it. That slave is probably working
70 or 80 hours a week for a fiver and a mattress on the floor. Paying off his gangmaster.
The guy in the car is maybe sat there thinking is was unfair that his last bonus was only £10,000.
It's odds-on he doesn't even tip the slave. So nothing has changed since Roman times.

How old would these typical 'slaves' be?

If young, we all started at shitty jobs. It's part of life. I did, all my siblings did.

If not young, then they're doing life wrong. You're not SUPPOSED to be still working at McDonalds (etc. etc.) at 45 years old.

Your good behavior in jobs should find you promotions, new learning, and moving up. If it doesn't, odds are 99 to 1 that it's your fault

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