Append Query - Add unique records only


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Today, 16:27
Jun 10, 2011
I have 3 tables: tblCompanies, tblTrading and tblProducts.

TblCompanies contains a list of client companies (and associated info), tblProducts contains a list of the different products we offer (and associated info) and tblTrading contains information about all of the transactions which we make. TblCompanies and tblProducts are linked to tblTrading via common CompanyID and ProductID fields respectively.

Data is entered into tblTrading via frmTrading. For more information please see the mdb which is attached.

I have another table (tblTradingHistory) which keeps a record of all trading information. I would like to use an append query to add new (or modified) records to this table once they've been added to tblTrading using the form (a button on the form will run the append query). One reason I need to do this is that users of the system often modify records rather than creating entirely new records as orders are often very similar.

I have tackled the problem by using an append query in conjunction with a delete query but it is somewhat unsatisfying. I wonder whether anyone has a solution which requires an append query only?

Any more questions - please ask. Any advice would be much appreciated.




Hi All,

I am no longer looking for a solution to this problem, but if someone has a solution then by all means put it up as others may be interested...

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