Auto Update =Date()


New member
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Today, 22:01
Oct 4, 2011
I simply wanna thank you CBrighton for helping answer my question
Dear Arnold,

"If you just want a date field in a record (or all records in a table) to be updated each time someone opens the database then create an update query to set the field to =Date() and use an AutoExec macro (or just in the on open event of your switchboard) to run it each time the database is opened."

Thank you

I have another question.

I want to link another Udpdate query to a commnad button, Im getting this error; An action query can not be used as a row source.
How do I handle this one?
No worries. :)

As the error message implies, an action query (append, delete, update, make table, etc) are designed to take actions, not to display records.

What is the command button doing with the update query? Is it trying to run it or use it as a record source? If it's trying to use it as a reciord source I'd suggest copying the query and setting it back to a normal query and using that for the record source. That way the criteria, etc remains unedited but it's now designed to display data.

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