Automating Backups


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:39
Aug 23, 2001
Not sure if this is the right forum to post this but here's my task:

-just started a new position; I have 15 sites that need to back up the data files located on their local server on a regular basis. This is done by users on site (occasionally!) and I've found out that when they do, they're backing up to the SAME server in the SAME folder as the program.

I want to set up an automated program for them to do backups, and have them backup each day M, T, W, TH, overwrite that the same days the next week; on FR have a weekly backup that's saved short while...etc. and a month end one that is kept for a while.

I'm familiar with Access/VBA coding and would like to set up the "program" that runs the backups on the network so that I can check up and see when they were run. :) I'm going to initially have them backup at least to their local pc.

Would Access be the way to go with this or is there something else I can use?
Note that I need to REALLY automate this. Which is why I'm thinking access so I can create buttons that will simplify it alltogether. I'm not asking for step by step code just a recommendation as to whether I should go ahead with Access.
There will be NO zipping or compacting; it is a simple copy of a folder that contains all the data files down to the local computer. And no that is not simple enough for some users :) The files may be large depending on the site.
The windows MacroScheduler does a good job of periodically executing code.

You could also use an Access timed event to do your backups, usinf the "OnTimer" event and Timer Interval form properties.

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