

Registered User.
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Today, 10:10
Oct 1, 2002
I do a summary report and I'm trying to put a box(rectangle) around the data. The report has a group header and footer. I'm trying to use the "Line Method" in vb. But the box created does not cross sections of the report. It remains within the section in which I paste the VB code into(I put the code into the On Print event of a section). Any help would be apprieciated.
Without seing your report in detail, I suspect it may be possible to to do it by creating a sub-report for each block that you require a box around (and then incorporating the sub-reports into the main report - the main report to have a transparent box) The difficulty then is that the box will remain whatever size you make it so that if your data varies in the space that it takes up it will either fall short or overflow) Have also created similar effect by creating box and then calculated controls on top of it to get totals etc from various other reports etc - a long way round maybe but it worked for me!
Are you trying to create a datasheet type grid?
We have a whole bunch of management reports, which need a certain format. All I'm trying to do is put a box around the data. I have already tried the sub report idea but it is not practical for what i'm doing.:)

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