buttons not registering on dbase


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:11
Aug 16, 2002
bah and bah again!

my forms have buttons which highlight when the user runs their mouse over the button.. this all works nicely except tht it can take the userup to 8 clicks of the mouse to register...

any ideas why? It may be just the the dbase is running slowly.. but the button highlights quickly enough just that when the user clicks the button it does not always do the command specified..

I attach a stripped down version of the dbase...

it is quite temperamental so sometimes the buttons work fine sometimes not.. also it is not uniform..some buttons can work fine.. others take up to 8 clicks.. it just seems to vary at the time...

all a bit bizarre!




97 version doesn't work. You might be using something in a later version that doesn't convert to 97 on you rmenu form.
Worked for me without any problems. Once click wonder.

thanks Rich..

I have removed that line from the code and
we have tested it and it seems to be a lot better...

just could not bear to have to go back to simple buttons...
I like my bells and whistles!



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