Cannot be read: no read permissions


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:38
Dec 18, 2007
I have a brand new database in-the-works that is causing me headaches. For some reason, if I create a query and then exit and re-enter the database, I cannot re-open that query. I get an Error 3112 (cannot be read; no read permission on <name>) and to contact the administrator or creater of the database.

I'M the creator and the administrator on this thing - so why can't I get into the darn thing? I haven't added any security features. This has never happened before on any database I've created, so obviously, it's frustrating.

Any ideas?
Try cntr alt del. Then end MSACESS.exe Sometimes access does not close properly and the program may still be running in the background.
Rebooting doesn't work.

I've got 2 other secured databases that I have no problems with. I am at a complete loss as to why this new unsecured database if locking me out of anything.

I imported the table structures only into a new database to see if that helped. Now, for some reason, when I create a form with a combo box, I get the message something like "cannot read from tblAccounts. No permissions, etc - get admin or owner". Say what?
If there truly is no security on this database, then the file may be corrupt. Try using Compact & repair, or Jetcompact.

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