Cannot get the Control Name dynamically


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:11
Dec 16, 2013
Hi, attached its a sample of my DB. I'm trtying to get the controls name into text box from Fields D1_1 To D1_6 without result.

Please help


I note that you have been on this forum for a long time, so I'm pretty sure that you know this!

However, I think it's worth pointing out that if I see this:-

>>> Fields D1_1 To D1_6 <<< I'm pretty sure that your database requires some sort of normalisation before you continue.

I should explore that before doing anything else!
here try this:


There are two parts to the question because the question will be "change the (selected) textbox to a (selected) height."

For the first part, let's say fnControlName will contain or will resolve to the name of the control. Then you can use Me.Controls(fnControlName).whatever-property to touch an arbitrary control where the name is held in a variable.

The second part of the question is, how tall does it need to be? If this is a predetermined height then use

Me.Controls(fnControlName).height = predetermined-value

If you were planning to use a dynamically specified value, we would need a little more to be able to offer a solution - like how you intended to select or compute the given height.

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