click on name load related form


Registered User.
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Today, 10:17
Dec 3, 2013
I want to have form that loads a list of 70 names on the left side of the form. If would be the first name. I want each of those names to be clickable so that when I click the name on the left it loads information about that contact to the right of the list. How would I do that?
Simplest would be to try the combo or list box wizard on a form bound to the table, choosing the third option, "Find a record...".
I went into access combo box and didnt see an option through the wizard to find another record. I have access 2010.
Is the form bound to a table?
The data from the table will automatically go onto the form. Sorry I am a beginner.
Can you post the db here?
The combo at the top is what I was talking about.


No problem. You didn't see the option in the wizard because the form's record source was SQL instead of a table, and that seems to confuse it. You should be able to change it back to the SQL if you want.

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