Col Please Teach Me English

only after the damage has already been done;)

Damage? What damage? We're all just along for the ride, anyway. :rolleyes:
I always nu dat it wud b 2 much 2 lern.
I believe that being right is relative. When it comes to different dialects, there really is no correct version of the language. Society tells me, here in the US, that "color" is correct. Other societies may say that "colour" is correct. Just because their is a difference, neither one is wrong.

Don't take me wrong, I'm not trying to defend either society. Personally, I think the English language as a whole is aweful, and doesnt make much sense.

Whats interesting to note, is that these same arguments take place in other languages too. There are huge differences between dialect in Puerto Rico and Columbia, and more notably, Spain and Mexico.
So if you go into a Tim Horton's do you order a donut or a dough naught?

As those of us who live in the land of the permanent minority government know, the British and American spellings are interchangable.

Although both methods are considered correct, the British method is more correct..

This was according to Sister Mary Agnes, just before the yardstick bounced off your head.
I think I just dated myself.

She was good. She always made an impression but never left a mark.
I doubt it, the English language is too difficult for Americans to get to grips with:cool::p
In my experience it is too difficult for many UK people as well. Especially noticable among the younger generation(those under 40).:D
In my experience it is too difficult for many UK people as well. Especially noticable among the younger generation(those under 40).:D
I know, it's a good job the government's getting to grips with the problem:eek::D

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