Combo Box won't update... and oh, how I have searched

Sorry Colin. Have been struggling with another thread and hadn't checked back until now. Have attached a 'fixed' version.

Basically, the issue was that your Setr field in the invoices table was using a lookup combo and storing a text string in the field. The combo on your form was storing the numeric ID of a record in the SETR table. Comparing a text sting to an integer results in no match. Storing the text string also violates normalization principles.

So, I added and populated a true SETRID field in your invoices table and made it required. I then deleted your old SETR field and re-joined the relationship between the two tables. I went through your queries, reports and forms and did my best to re-connect everything that needed reconnecting. If you find any references to SETR ID (with a space) these are actually referencing the SETR field (text) from your SETR table.

This should hopefully fix your problem for now.

And AJE, sorry if I stepped on your toes....just thought I'd chime in since you indicated that you wouldn't have time to look at it yesterday. :)


See, having it explained like that, I now understand what was wrong... But for me, looking at the code is somewhat overwhelming, so I wouldn't have even thought to look for something like that. Thank you both very much!
Basically, the issue was that your Setr field in the invoices table was using a lookup combo and storing a text string in the field. The combo on your form was storing the numeric ID of a record in the SETR table. Comparing a text sting to an integer results in no match.
You also have a lookup box in the SETR's table with two columns in it....??
Hence, Check the Lookup object in the table's design view. :D No, it's not specified as a lookup column, but it does lookup values with it's Rowsource.

Way to go Craig!! :) As long as he gets it worked out, who cares?? You're the man...

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