Combobox Text Datarecord istead of IDs


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 08:21
Sep 2, 2010
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone can help please. I am trying to record a text instead of IDs based on a selected value in another Combo box. I found good example here :

Choices table records only the IDs and what I would like to record in choices is the text ( SOs, Linux )

Anyone can help me ???

Perhaps you can expand on why you want to store the text rather than the ID from from your Combo. This would appear to be a violation of good database normalisation.

As a general rule it should not matter what is stored at table level, so long as it can be linked back to the relevant piece of information for display purposes.
I want to store a text because I'll need a report (excel) which I will export and send to our customer. If customer receive a report with number ( 2,6,4 ) he wont be able to understand !

What you need to do is build a query that selects the related text (and whatever other meaningful data your client requires), and export that rather than the ID number.
I am newbie but I will try to build this query as you suggested. Gotta see what I will get !
Here's a quick sample to show you how it might be done. First check the data in the two tables.


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I had a quickly look in your sample. It seems to be exactly what I need. I will try to bring it to my project and will let you know !

Tks a lot John it was already really helpful !
I had a quickly look in your sample. It seems to be exactly what I need. I will try to bring it to my project and will let you know !

Tks a lot John it was already really helpful !

Glad to have helped :)

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