command button


Local time
Tomorrow, 03:23
Oct 22, 2008
hi all

pls tell me how to add a cmd button in access 2003 using vb code:confused:
I would recomend just put in your button on the form and hide or disable it until the correct condition is met.
i also have a similar question
ive done a search but never came across what i needed

my form button "delete" will need to have a msgbox popup box asking "are you sure you want to delete?" with a "yes" and "no" button.

can anyone give me some example code or link to where i can read up on this?

Something like:

If MsgBox("Delete Record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then
       Goto Exit_cmdDelete_Click
End if

    Exit Sub
cheers ken
works perfectly
im sure you are
btw ive tried to give u some reputation points
but ive got to spread out b4 i give more to you?
Thanks - :)

(btw, I looked at your other question on the list box. Better let someone else take a stab at that one :) )
yeah no probs
i wonder if jolly_83 got what he was looking for too

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