Conditional format question

bone head

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Feb 11, 2002
I am using Access 2K.

Is it possible to have more than the 3 options in the conditional formatting as under the formatting menu.

If not any advise as to how best to go about my delima

I have I field which is changed by different users throughout the database, which in turn changes the colour and content of a field on the main page to show the status/progress of an enquiry.

This was fine when there were only 3 conditions to meet, however after reviewing the data base users want more criteria now up to about 6.

Any suggestions most welcome

Before Access2k there was no conditional formatting. I remember using a Microsoft workaround that was based on overlaying controls and making then visible if the conditions were met. Perhaps you could try this approach.
:confused: Thanks however that flew straight over my head.

I obviously need to start at square one on this one, can you point me in the direction of square one for this workaround

Many thanks
Go to the Microsoft support site and look at these two articles 302705 and 193207.

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