Conversion from 97 to 2000


Registered User.
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Today, 15:21
May 27, 2004
Has anyone had trouble converting from 97 to 2000?

Specifically, converting current 97 databases to 2000.

And, can others with 97 see databases from 2000?

ericschramm2000 said:
Has anyone had trouble converting from 97 to 2000?

Specifically, converting current 97 databases to 2000.
Nope no "real troubles" tho there are issues to take into concern, like the DAO/ADO among others....
ericschramm2000 said:
And, can others with 97 see databases from 2000?
The can see the database but not use it!
ericschramm2000 said:
Your welcome
Apart from what Mailman has already said there could be some other problems.

If the designer has created their own functions, such as Replace or Round, then they could conflict with the newer version. Also, if name auto-correct is on in the new version then that could cause problems as well; and why not, it seems to cause problems with almost everything else. :rolleyes:

Can’t think of any more at the moment but hope that helps.

ChrisO said:
If the designer has created their own functions, such as Replace or Round, then they could conflict with the newer version.
A designer shouldnt use any functions of his own named like that, now should he?

I know it happenes... but i have never run into it converting my OWN databases ;)
Same as DAO.Recordset and using (*)@$^#!@#$ charachters in field/table names and stuff... :rolleyes: Some people just seem to never learn :confused: Keeping me in bussiness :D

G’day Mailman.

A designer shouldnt use any functions of his own named like that, now should he?
Actually that would require a very clear crystal ball. :D

For the very same reason that even experienced programmers did not use DAO.Recordset in A97 they may have used names of later Micro$oft functions. Here is a link to a seasoned programmer tripping over himself on dimensioning recordsets. What makes it worse is that it could raise an error in an error handler. But also have a look at the date…June 1997.

Hindsight is the only exact science. ;)

I dont agree chris, if you name your own functions something like
or any combination like that, Microsoft is not going to be using those. I think it all comes back to naming conventions...

I agree on the DAO part, tho i have learned from microsofts mistakes ;) and am now declaring everything explicitly scripting. dao. etc...
Tho i am sure its not "microsoft proof", one of these days (A2004?) they will change DAO to DAO_OLD or something like that to f*ck *p our work once again. They must keep up the sales on there training side mustnt they? :mad:

Yes I agree with the idea of a naming convention for functions but just as personal preference would use the return data type. But I don’t and a lot of others don’t either. :(

Maybe we could use our name and if Micro$oft stuck to Bills… we could be OK. :D

ChrisO said:
Yes I agree with the idea of a naming convention for functions but just as personal preference would use the return data type. But I don’t and a lot of others don’t either. :(
I havent seen any function from microsoft that would start with just an f or start strFunctionName or any such variation. I have made it a default for my functions and subs to include something "rediculous" just to make sure i dont get into any "easter eggs" or somehing.

ChrisO said:
Maybe we could use our name and if Micro$oft stuck to Bills… we could be OK. :D
Hmz, Bill may just be at the core off all this.. :) He is giving me a job to do, and redo and redo and redo ;) I dont mind (much) tho it gives me a major headage (spelling?) sometimes, ... every now and again.... ok OFTEN... :p

Is there a way to prevent conversion from 97 to 2000? We try to make sure there are no accidental conversions. Just worried it's going to happen eventually.
Split the database (using the database splitter add-in) and ensure that you have a backend in A97 and two frontends - one A97 and one A2000.

For more info, search on splitting a database.

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