Core Testing Database


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Today, 21:18
Sep 1, 2005

I hope someone can help me. Thanks ahead for taking the time to read through my post.

I am new to Access (I know the basics,) and will ask my question by hand of describing what I want to do with my database.

I work as a laboratory technician, where I need to test UTP cores (cores are what's called one of the 8 cables inside a UTP/Network cable.) I want to create a database where I can store these test results.

To make it easier to envision my database, I'll explain a bit about the actual testing. Cores are grouped together, and tested, according to batches. There are 40 cores in a batch. Each core has a unique job number. Further, the cores are divided into 8 different colors (Green, W/Green, Orange, W/Orange, Brown, W/Brown, Blue, W/Blue.)

A standard test procedure is done on EACH core: dimensions on the insulation on a X and Y axis; dimensions on the copper on a X and Y axis; a test to determine if the copper sits centre. There are thus 5 values I want to record.

My problem is: I want all 40 cores, each with their 5 values, on one form. I want to save this as one batch, or one record. How would I go about doing this? . It’s a bit more complex than your standard table-query-form-report database.

As I said, I am acquainted with the basics of Access. I can do tables, queries, forms and reports.

Thanks ahead.
Basic database setup:

1. Create a Batch table
2. Create a Core table and have each Code record linked to 1 Batch record (each Batch can be linked to many Cores). Also include the 5 values for each code record as fields in this table.
3. Create a Form linked to Batch records
4. Create a Subform within this main form. The subform should be a CONTINUOUS FORM (this is a form property) that shows all Core records.
5. When imbedding the subform into the main form link the two through a Parent/Child ID using the Batch ID.

The result will be the Main form showing 1 Batch record at a time and then the Subform displaying all Core records linked to that Batch. Hope that helps you get started.

This worked wonderfully.
I finally get a chance to help someone else for a change.

I would probably set the subform to datasheet instead of continuous because you can get more records in the same space.

Plus if you create an additional table called something like “colors” you could add drop down list to the subform and lookup the colors. That would save time and insure that you don’t misspell any of them.

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