Create Table's fields from another's Records


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Today, 12:36
Aug 31, 2004
Hello all,
Who can help me to automatically create tables by using a table. I have a table where i store records, I want these records to be the fields of another table B..

How can i automate this process without manually create the tables?
You can do this with DAO code, i.e. creating a new table, cycling through the fields of a second table and adding appropriate datavalues from the second to the first as fields.

Sorry, I don't have the time to do this for you. Steve Roman's Access Database, 2nd Edition, published by O'Reilly shows how to do this in detail.
can't any1 do it ?
I will reexplain it:
how can i convert from lines 2 columns ????
Let's say in Table1 :
IDField ... unimportant 2 me
Field1 ... from this field i want to count the NUMBER of records & create a new table B which the nb of fields must be = 2 the nb of records in A (Type INTEGER , 2 decimals) + 2 records 1st text (&KEY) & second text (could be null)..
Well, & the name of the table B, would be the combination of 2 textboxes in a form F.

pls a sample DB!!!!!

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