Crosstab won't run with unrecognized field


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Today, 10:29
Aug 12, 2016
I am trying to make a crosstab query using the following query as a basis:
SELECT qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.StudentID AS StudentID, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.L.TestDate AS LastTestDate, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.P.TestDate AS PrevTestDate, AcademicYr([LastTestDate]) AS AcademicYr, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.SSChange, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.GEChange, NRSGain([GEChange],[SSChange]) AS NRSGain
FROM qryTwoLastTestsAWValues
GROUP BY qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.StudentID, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.L.TestDate, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.P.TestDate, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.SSChange, qryTwoLastTestsAWValues.GEChange;

Here is qryTwoLastTestsAWValues, which has two tables called L and P that are two copies of the same table that have to be compared:
SELECT L.StudentID, L.TestDate, tblTestType.TestType, L.Form, L.SSNum, L.GENum, qryNRSLevel.EducationalFuncLevel, P.TestDate, P.Form, P.SSNum, P.GENum, qryNRSLevel_1.EducationalFuncLevel, [L].[SSNum]-[P].[SSNum] AS SSChange, Round([L].[GENum]-[P].[GENum],2) AS GEChange
FROM qryNRSLevel AS qryNRSLevel_1 INNER JOIN (qryNRSLevel INNER JOIN ((qryTestingValComp AS L INNER JOIN qryTestingValComp AS P ON (L.StudentID = P.StudentID) AND (L.TestTypeID = P.TestTypeID)) INNER JOIN tblTestType ON L.TestTypeID = tblTestType.TestTypeID) ON qryNRSLevel.TestID = L.TestID) ON qryNRSLevel_1.TestID = P.TestID
WHERE (((L.TestDate) In (SELECT TOP 1 TestDate          FROM qryTestingValComp          WHERE StudentID=P.StudentID AND TestTypeID=P.TestTypeID          ORDER BY TestDate Desc) And (L.TestDate)<>[P].[TestDate]) AND ((P.TestDate) In (SELECT TOP 2 TestDate               FROM qryTestingValComp               WHERE StudentID=P.StudentID AND TestTypeID=P.TestTypeID ORDER BY TestDate Desc)))
ORDER BY L.StudentID, L.TestTypeID;

I am trying to do a crosstab query with the row heading Academic Yr, column NRS Gain, count of students as value. When I try to run it, I get a message saying the MS Database engine does not recognize "P.StudentID" as a valid expression. I tried aliasing StudentID as StudentID in the first query to no avail. I also tried joining the original student table to qryTwoLastTestsAWValues by StudentID and using tblStudents.StudentID but that didn't work either.

Is there something I can do to get the StudentID so it can be recognized and the crosstab query can run?

So both SELECT queries work?

If you want to provide db for analysis, follow instructions at bottom of my post.

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