Data Entry problem


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Local time
Today, 07:08
Jun 18, 2007
I have a form that I created in order to update a table. I had a combo box that would search for the name of the things in the table and then I could update the information for that particular thing. Well now I have a new problem sometimes the thing that I would like to look at is not in the table to begin with so I need to enter it into the table.

How would be the best way to go about entering the new thing into the table. Right now I have a combo box that displays the thing and then it will show the info that it has and then you can go in and change that as the need arrises.

Any ideas?

I also can find the Data Entry property in the property box does anyone know where that is.
What do the following parts of the code mean

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAE", dbOpenDynaset)
On Error Resume Next
rs!AEName = NewData

Also what all will I need to change in order to get this code to work.

I have a really hard time reading code.
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I had a combo box that would search for the name of the things in the table and then I could update the information for that particular thing. Well now I have a new problem sometimes the thing that I would like to look at is not in the table to begin with so I need to enter it into the table.
"Thing" is not a reserved word in Access, but it doesn't produce the desired result when asking questions. :) Please be more specific about "things", "updating" and "looking for particular things"....

If you're not sure what the lines of code on that page refer to, I wouldn't mess with it, unless you're DB is very complex and you absoultely need the code. Judging by your first statement though, I don't think you need any kind of loop coding to solve the problem....
I could really use this code in my database that I am making so if anyone would actually like to give me some help on this it would be great.

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