Question Database trippled in size??


Registered User.
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Today, 08:49
Jun 22, 2009
Solved::: Database trippled in size??

Ok, so i was building my database kinda simple and it was running about 37mb in size.. The only thing I have changed was,

- move 5 tables of data into one table, for better searching.
- added this function to my database (

Now my database is running around 445 MB.. Big jump from before. I have no embedded images, not using the image attachment with 2007. I am using hyperlinks but that was being used before. I have about 1100 records so far.. This is concerning because i am 25% into my project and already at 1/4 of the 2 gig mark.. Suggestions? maybe a compact compress? I am still a Access noob please explain so I have something to search off of..

thank you so much.
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